Example sentences of "[noun pl] and made [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 I gave them their full due , repeating all that my sister-in-law had said , and told them that I would hear from my brother himself that evening , then paid for my groceries and made my escape .
2 Corbett closed his eyes and made his own prayer , sending it up into the void .
3 Talbot thanked him , rose , washed the sleep from his face and eyes and made his way to the admiral 's quarters .
4 The robber at Bath Road had grabbed £45,000 after shooting the two guards and made his initial getaway on a moped , found , say the prosecution , at the point at which he 'd switched to a getaway car driven by the second man .
5 With a hoarse cry she went into violent climax , her body possessed by the pulse that roared in her ears , her heart , her stomach , her thighs and made her limbs spasm and twist in ecstasy beneath him — no longer human , no longer conscious , no longer caring about anything except the dark flood of pleasure that rushed through her and shook her till she rattled and writhed to a hot , pulsing oblivion on his body .
6 The barn shook again as I got to my feet and made my way to the door with the feeling that the barn had been very lucky so far in not receiving a direct hit from one of the frequent mortar bombs that were exploding in and around the farm .
7 When the woman standing over him returned to her place , Joseph rose to his feet and made his way unsteadily towards the back of the hut , calling Paul by name .
8 A party of French tourists arrived from the bazaars and made their way up the steps .
9 Mick picked up his rifle and the mess tins and made his way towards the house .
10 She had been kissed before , but never had she felt this sudden flare of sensation , which stole her senses and made her pliant in Luke Calder 's arms .
11 He shrugged , then linked his fingers and made his knuckles crack .
12 Oldham 's other keeper , 19-year-old Paul Gerrard , has not played a game in nine months after two knee operations and made his comeback in the reserves last night .
13 With a slight feeling of anti-climax we gathered our belongings and made our way back to the coach for the journey home .
14 Despite the lecture she 'd been reading herself , excitement had put colour in her cheeks and made her clear golden-brown eyes sparkle .
15 And so the game , er … exercise , continued until Mr Grovey ran out of ideas AND made his big mistake at one and the same time .
16 Charley had lived in Saltash next to the Lee family , who had a fleet of small boats and made their living by carrying country produce over the river to the rapidly growing Three Towns .
17 Then I buttoned myself into my grey raincoat , put on my brown felt hat , switched off the office lights and made my way along the corridor to the lift .
18 He blacked out a couple of his front teeth with stage cosmetics and made his breath smell with chemical — oldest trick in the business to prevent people looking you in the face close to .
19 Much to my surprise she agreed , on condition that we had separate rooms and made our own travel arrangements .
20 She did n't look up as Quiss — panting heavily — appeared at the top of the stairs and made his way down the length of the dimly lit room .
21 Milly , their maid , always picked up their toys and made their beds and put their clothes away .
22 His face wore that concentrated look she had grown used to , as if everything he did was the focus of all his energies — like the look when he 'd taken her in his arms and made his kiss seem the still point of the entire universe .
23 In the examination , however , Molla Yegan confounded his critics and made his judgment stick .
24 Carolyn let herself out of the french windows and made her way along the trodden track to her garden , now a dug rectangle of some eight by twelve yards , backing on to the wall of Keswick 's warehouse .
25 BALLYNAHINCH 'S pack dominated the opening exchanges and made their intentions known when they won the first scrum against the head .
26 He 'd ducked under the curtains and made his way to the dressing rooms via the stage .
27 Richardson scored 53 and shared a second wicket partnership of 141 with man-of-the-match Lara , who hit 14 boundaries and made his runs from 132 deliveries before being run out .
28 I collected up the pipes and made my way through the trees in the direction of NO. 3 Commando .
29 They reflect quite accurately the rough intimidating East End world which nurtured the Krays and made their brutish power possible .
30 The noise of wheels on uneven roads mingled with the voices of the elite as they alighted at their respective destinations and made their slow and stately way into the houses which had lights in every room from attic to cellar .
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