Example sentences of "[noun pl] and some [noun] " in BNC.

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1 , the ‘ offer ’ probability , varies with personal characteristics and some measure of the degree of tightness within the relevant labour market .
2 They were confined for the most part to the close proximity of the waterways and some parts of the country hardly knew them at all .
3 A Colchester police spokesman said seven people , including some visiting fans and some locals , had been arrested either before or during the game .
4 Protests from players , fans and some MPs brought the U-turn , but RFU secretary Dudley Wood confirmed that the South African anthem , Die Stem , with its associations with the old apartheid regime , would still be banned .
5 This allows for slight positional errors during fixing — a couple of G cramps and some battens are helpful here .
6 They help provide tuition materials and college facilities for examination candidates and some run revision courses .
7 Such ‘ feminising ’ factors have been foiled by two other inventions , that of separate sexes ( many animals and some plants have abandoned hermaphroditism , perhaps because half the hermaphrodites were feminised and it therefore paid the remainder to turn into pure males ) and genetic sex determination .
8 Ironically she rarely used much make-up herself , but right now she could have done with a cover-up stick to hide the dark shadows beneath her eyes and some blusher to conceal at least a little of her pallor .
9 Payton said : ‘ I was bought to score goals and some people could probably say I have been a flop .
10 From April 1991 larger practices will be able to choose to take control of some NHS funds to finance a range of local services for their own patients — including certain hospital treatments , and the cost to the NHS prescriptions and some staff needed for the practice .
11 There were reports that the government 's handling of relief efforts had prompted widespread criticism from opposition parties and some sections of the political establishment .
12 Derived from the above is the transverse Young 's modulus and Poisson 's ratio in the transverse plane These formulae and some others have been compared with measurements of the elastic moduli of a block copolymer showing hexagonal symmetry ( Arridge & Folkes 1972 ) .
13 And when my grandfather came in he always had a pocketful of these tips , and he would give us all some sixpences and some threepennies . ’
14 Keith has his good side — he laughs a lot and plays in a limited way with a toy garage , cars and some Lego .
15 Keith has his good side — he laughs a lot and plays in a limited way with a toy garage , cars and some Lego .
16 The rioting began about 7.00 p. m. on Sunday , 6 October 1985 , and during a night of extraordinary violence Police Constable Keith Blakelock was stabbed to death , 20 members of the public and 223 police-officers were injured , and 47 cars and some buildings were burned .
17 The more controversial aspect of TNC concerns the establishment of programmes of study for each subject , with attainment targets for the three core subjects and some foundation subjects .
18 There was a wire mesh roof over it lower than in the Cages and some fish and meat .
19 Ban all polystyrene , such as packing chips , meat trays and some egg boxes .
20 You have to buy banknotes and some food provisions at least , so you wo n't go without . ’
21 Possibly , in some sectors and some parts of the country , though I am sure we will still be talking about unfavourable productivity and unit cost comparisons with West Germany and the US .
22 You will find a selection of frames available in many craft shops and some d-i-y outlets .
23 The companion itself is steep , although easy to negotiate , but the steps need to be fitted with non-slip treads and some form of chafe resistant nosing to prevent unsightly scuffing .
24 Some D words and some B words so that you can sort it out cos the only way you the only the only person really who can make sure it works is you .
25 Gifford left me the pictures and some money , and he left Alan the house .
26 In other words , different elements in antislavery approached the London conference with various doubts and some hopes but with fundamental positions unaltered .
27 Remember ill-focused jiggle-rock with pretend funk basslines and some git grunting over the top ?
28 I had no previous experience of building anything like this , but by studying the old sheds and some leaflets from a company that made stables , I 'd knocked up a working drawing .
29 The Pavlova Works will carry on for the next three months and some jobs will be made available at the group 's other centres .
30 Besides the circular helix , much the best known naturally occurring helix and also the most interesting and beautiful mathematically is the concho-spiral , adopted in all coiled gastropod shells and some others such as the group of protozoans known as Foramenifera .
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