Example sentences of "[noun pl] and [vb past] like " in BNC.

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1 He made the goals and rang like mad … but I did n't think he was controlling the game as I 've heard implied .
2 And turning into the big , soft breast , she threw her arms round the woman 's shoulders and cried like a baby .
3 Better than that was riding on his back while he went down on hands and knees and neighed like a horse .
4 It must have been up there for years , it weighed at least 14 carats and sat like a throbbing lime fruit pastille on the back of my unmoving hand .
5 They said that within minutes of the Metro landing it burst into flames and burnt like an inferno .
6 Angels at the foot of the bed and the devil at their back , they drank like fishes and bred like rabbits .
7 He cleared his throat a few times and groaned like an aged dog in pain .
8 The women wore ball gowns and jewels and looked like royal butterflies .
9 At the other end of the spectrum was an obese one-eyed woman who wore scarlet heart-shaped specs and looked like a brothel madame .
10 In the wind , the shadows threw barred stripes and moved like prowling tigers .
11 Each foot in turn felt the warmth of his hands and relaxed like an animal who trusts the vet .
12 He dropped his hands to his sides and stood like a little dog , found out , and admitting : ‘ Yes , I know I have a silly sort of fancy for Lal .
13 Our experience passed the limits of abhorrence : I lost all my earthly faculties and fought like an angel .
14 But Modigliani broke all the taboos and behaved like a modern-day King David .
15 Aj was directing the action as though he was a producer in charge of a play , and Hugh , Mike and Debby were up to their thighs in stinking lake water ; Debby was fetchingly attired in green chest waders and looked like a cross between Jeremy Fisher and a model in kinky rubberwear .
16 The Swede was Bjorn Carlssen and he was the current leader of the European Order of Merit — a brilliant player in his mid-twenties , who could hit the ball miles and putted like a dream .
17 It was no use trying a friendly smile because you immediately developed a long line of followers and felt like a comet with a tail .
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