Example sentences of "[noun pl] and [pron] are " in BNC.

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1 Other fish live in small water bodies , which are influenced by heavy rainfall and drought , which considerably affect the water 's characteristics and they are more tolerant .
2 Their numbers are comparatively small , most receive cautions and they are less likely to make it to court .
3 I have tried all the leading suppliers of seat covers and they are unable to help me .
4 GCHQ have analysed the signals and they are designed to completely confuse the whole system controlled from Bacton . ’
5 The people who know about the potential effect of a blanket ban are the tobacco manufacturers and they are not so sanguine about the prospect , threatening to pull their plants out of Britain if the ban comes into force .
6 Over three and a quarter hours , in almost medically precise measures , about 800 Windy kids and myself are , by turn , massaged , soothed , picked up and shaken , sexually aroused and punched repeatedly about the face .
7 County Council 's encouraged by the fact that the introduction Policy E two is supported by all the North Yorkshire Districts and they are after all at the sharp end of implementing structure policy .
8 There are addicts and there are people who just use the stuff occasionally . ’
9 They have to notify before the send animals and there are spot checks .
10 The next thing to remember is that fish are live animals and you are not allowed to take them in the cabin of the aircraft .
11 ‘ It 's part of the pattern , Charles ; society disintegrates before our eyes and we are expected to paper over the cracks . ’
12 Each bay of the nave is covered by domes and there are further domes over the choir , south transept and north transept bell tower .
13 Sets of dinner-plates have been muddled up , nozzles switched on candlesticks and there are thumb prints in the middle of each salver where the dealers have felt the thickness of the silver .
14 And because she happens to live reasonably near a park , she walks Sandy or Sandy walks her in the park , she meets other dog walkers and they are her human contacts .
15 17.1 This agreement embodies the entire understanding of the parties and there are no other arrangements between the parties relating to the subject matter of this agreement
16 AIB Bank also were very generous in contributing to our Funds and we are indeed very grateful to them .
17 However , the Australian economy is still weak ; museums are very short of funds and there are few buyers for works over A$ 50,000 .
18 Most of the people who were in the street at that time would have been in one or other of the pubs , but do n't forget that the harbour is full of craft of all sorts and there are sure to have been people aboard some of them . ’
19 ‘ They are a grand bunch of lads and they are honest .
20 Pasta has been eaten in Italy for centuries and there are records of the ancient Etruscans eating laganon , or sheets of pasta that we now call lasagne .
21 Cross the threshhold of a building elaborately decorated with murals and you are inside a bank .
22 At this point the river is divided into three main channels and there are numerous bridges crossing these waterways throughout the city .
23 Apart from the four first-floor bedrooms , all of which are housed in the roundels and which are 5.1m ( 17ft ) in diameter , the upper storey was used to house a large games room , an airing cupboard and a bathroom .
24 And you say , today we 're , tonight we 're talking you over to the hub and we 're going to show you all this , and I take them and get over there about ten o'clock , and we go along there to , to look at the , the slats and the trays and there are all these masters flying around being terribly excited about this , terrific noises , and they say , God this is great , but how many parcels will go through tonight ?
25 Fresh , unprepared potatoes are urgently required in the hotel , guesthouse and licensed restaurant sectors and there are also opportunities for supplying fresh , exotic mushrooms to the same sectors .
26 The first makes it easy to see which foods are low in calories and which are high in dietary fibre by listing the calorie and fibre content of average or easily recognizable portions of all the basic foods .
27 You quarrelled with your spouse on the way out to the shops and you are feeling angry .
28 The house is only a short walk from local shops and there are regular buses to the City Centre .
29 Most programs are tested on big powerful computers and they are tested in conditions where there are enough resources — memory , disk space , printers even — to do the job successfully .
30 Take your time , build up a case , establish the right relationships and you are halfway there .
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