Example sentences of "[noun pl] and [pron] in " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I have been living in a bed and breakfast for the past 15 months with my kids and me in the one room .
2 However , the broadest distinction being made , and one which is of most relevance in the present context , is that between the ‘ good ’ ( baig ) and the ‘ bad ’ ( yabud ) — or , as I prefer , the helpful and the harmful , designations which have less of Western moral connotations and which in the particular context correspond more closely to Chewong associations .
3 Moreover , HPV genomes was found in 43% of colonic carcinomas and none in normal mucosa ( unpublished data ) .
4 She would then have to think very seriously about giving up Alf and her relationship with Gail , the grandchildren and everyone in The Street . ’
5 Most film crews want as little to do with their subjects as possible , yet the Ashleys immediately-became involved in our lives and we in theirs .
6 He gave the union leaders the opportunity to tell him in a forthright manner where they thought he was going wrong with his policies and he in turn did some pretty plain talking about what he saw as their shortcomings .
7 It required fewer people who could pass the port in the right way , and more people who would have the drive , energy , initiative and sheer guts actually to make money for the shareholders and themselves in a recessionary environment .
8 The management of the Company and the allotment , issue , holding , transfer and transmission of all shares in the capital of the Company shall be subject to the Rules and nothing in the regulations of the Company shall be construed as authorising any breach of the Rules or any rules , principles or requirements of conduct applicable to recognised bodies by virtue of the Rules or Section 9 of the AJA .
9 The management of the Company and the allotment , issue , holding , transfer and transmission of all shares in the capital of the Company shall be subject to the Rules and nothing in the regulations of the Company shall be construed as authorising any breach of the Rules or any rules , principles or requirements of conduct applicable to recognised bodies by virtue of the Rules or Section 9 of the AJA .
10 So I er we used to catch these blackbirds and them in a and pull the string and they used er try and catch them and we used to we used to kill them and and pluck them
11 Okay , so what we 're looking at over these two days and what in order for you to be able to say yes we 've achieved the objectives er by tomorrow is how to use that time that we have to prepare to the most er efficient and effective so that e the preparation you know when you 've prepared it that yes when I stand up to speak I 'm gon na be able to put these points over effectively and make the presentation memorable .
12 I add my voice to the condemnation of the activity of the Provisional IRA which has pertained in Northern Ireland for more than 20 years and which in this case was clearly sectarian as it killed seven Protestant workers .
13 She regularly bent Minton 's ear with her problems and he in turn as regularly did take-offs of her doing this .
14 He shared with us a singular fascination for tropical waters and everything in them , and had acquired the franchise for scuba equipment for the whole of the Moluccas .
15 The pearl , the job with the , has yet to be advertised , and I still await the outcome of my February discussions with , who had two areas of interest to me — one in community affairs and one in training .
16 John sitting on me , me , Joanne she was sticking feathers and everything in my ear and trying to kick her , Lee , here 's Lee , Lee 's do n't , do n't , do n't , whack !
17 First , in some models , income is distinguished by source on the grounds that different sorts of incomes are received by different sorts of persons and they in turn would have different propensities to consume .
18 He said : ‘ The priest is rather drastic in his actions and we in LIFE do not go along with it . ’
19 At the centre of the discussion is the question of whether the Chinese Wall is an appropriate , valid , and effective regulatory mechanism for neutralizing the increased potential for conflict abuse in conglomerates and one in which these corporate entities may generally place reliance upon .
20 But we have a range of emergency motions and one in particular that er will be a full motion on the Gulf which will develop our policy er further so that we can put a clear message across .
21 The Tech is funded in this sort of way by the er , er national arrangements and they in their turn has passing that on to various suppliers .
22 Why do the USR undergraduate statistics have two headings each for psychology and geography , one in the natural sciences and one in the social sciences ?
23 Got it back , there was erm a blanket in the boot and when they took the blanket out it was all ten thousand pounds worth of drugs and needles and everything in it , so the police have took it all back and they 've written it off , so they 've got a new Nissan , a Bluebird
24 I lurk in shadows and them in me .
25 And what we used to do to begin with the canal used to dip in the middle , you know there was bike wheels and dead cats and everything in it , and it used to dip and , and there was a sludge and , and the barges used to go up and down with a horse pulling them , and in the middle there was a , so you could n't bottom it in the middle , so when I learnt to swim I used to dive off this ledge and go under the water so far and I , I could reach the bottom when I got to the other side .
26 As Tim said you have to hold on to the fact that these are real characters and their in a kind of confrontational situation here are n't they ?
27 The report says that one in 10 customers were charged incorrectly by their bank or building society , one in five had wrangles over standing orders and one in seven had money incorrectly removed from their accounts .
28 So and smashed all the windows and everything in it erm so what 's that and as I say it was only a scrap van er and now he 'd bought the little chapel on the corner .
29 He found one in three of the girls and one in five of the boys wanted to be thinner .
30 She is attracted to ‘ wonky ’ ( her word ) architecture and houses , things that look crazy and awry , particularly trains , viaducts , and fairgrounds and anything in repetitive rows .
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