Example sentences of "[noun pl] of him [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She had brief glimpses of him in the wings , his head unpleasantly close to the head of a girl called Mona who was playing Prince Charming .
2 All day I have been seeing pictures of him at his best ; jumbled up in no chronological sequence — Saturday evening tram rides and visits to the Hippodrome with late supper afterwards in Malvern days , earlier days of ‘ where do you want to go to ’ in the study … the ‘ Well , boys this is grand ’ at the beginning of the holiday … his little drop of whiskey : his fund of wheezes .
3 The last thing we want is pictures of him on the back pages having a punch-up .
4 Many physicists ( pronounced ‘ fizzy-sists ’ ) have large pictures of him on the walls of their laboratories — just as you might have pictures of your favourite pop stars on the walls of your bedroom at home .
5 he was just like the pictures of him in books : yellowish-white bones in a long brown robe .
6 But with the exception of a little doubt as to what the relatively vague adjective hardy might mean , the husband eventually proves a worthy man against all of these criteria : clever enough to be a successful merchant and therefore rich ; hospitable and generous ; and apparently able to fulfil his wife 's demands of him in bed .
7 There were no signs of him about the place .
8 Do you know , in the first World War , when he was Commander-in-Chief , they put up wooden statues of him in all the towns and you could pay and hammer a nail in it !
9 One of the most illuminating insights into the character of Frederick Barbarossa comes from the descriptions of him in the Fourth Book of Bishop Otto von Freising and from Rahewin , his twelfth-century biographer .
10 which drew heavily not only on Sharp 's papers but accounts and memories of him by fellow abolitionists .
11 There 's a bust of the author in Exeter college chapel ; one of the few reminders of him in Oxford .
12 ever stands on both sides of him at once .
13 I had hundreds of pictures and photos of him on my bedroom wall .
14 With his photograph in every newspaper in the country , and regular shots of him on television during much of 1991 , Mr Lee has become well known , by sight at least .
15 It is not merely that there are portraits of him at every turn , for there are almost as many of Inglis , nor could it be claimed that he was the greatest lawyer , for he had many rivals for that title even in his own generation , yet it is beyond argument that he was the most influential advocate ever to walk the floor of Parliament House .
16 Socially reclusive , emotionally recessive — it might be asked whether Larkin had any life at all ; the student radicals at Hull who daubed denunciations of him in the university lavatories presumably thought that he should get one . ’
17 When he was killed Vincent Massey , the High Commissioner for Canada , and Mr Justice Lawrence , the High Court Judge for whom Dermot had marshalled , wrote appreciations of him in The Times , a remarkable tribute in this time of war to an unknown young man .
18 Fonda was rocketed to stardom , and posters of him astride his bike were quickly outselling star portraits of Brando , Newman and McQueen .
19 She saw his face in everyone , went to sleep with thoughts of him in her mind , dreamed of him and awoke with tears on her cheeks .
20 Once when he swung across the road to frighten a cyclist by passing within inches of him at forty miles an hour I expected the Feldwebel or the officer to be angry .
21 I understand general manager Dieter Hoeness , who has videos of him of him playing , has already flown to Britain to see him play .
22 His hairline at that age was receding at the parting , giving every intimation that he might be bald one day ; not so , in the event — photographs of him as an older man show clearly that same hairline , looking very much the same as it had in the days of his youth .
23 ‘ Surely the photographs of him as a younger man — ’
24 She had read about him in the newspapers , seen him once or twice on television , seen photographs of him in magazines .
25 She had seen photographs of him in the papers , sometimes on his own , but more often escorting a beautiful woman to various functions .
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