Example sentences of "[noun pl] of the time " in BNC.

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1 For the dominant , there may be a more flexible perimeter , depending upon the political tactics of the time .
2 A tremendous favourite with the fans of the time , Roy was both handsome and spectacular , and a most worthy member of the gallery of fine goalkeepers who have served Crystal Palace down the years .
3 Butler 's role at Crystal Palace was thus largely a supportive one and he seldom gained much publicity , but fans of the time recognised him as a useful contributor to the Palace cause .
4 Since friars were the pre-eminent preachers of the time they were particularly enlisted to explain , in public and private sermons , the legitimacy of the king 's claim on the French crown and to stress his almost superhuman efforts to avoid conflict ; preachers were to elaborate on French treachery , exposing their ‘ derogatory lies ’ .
5 During the First World War , Turkish bureaucracy and a locust plague produced a famine in Lebanon of such proportions that an American woman resident in Beirut was moved to describe for readers of The Times how she :
6 He probably has no serious rival on either side of the Atlantic , though to a much smaller audience of discriminating parents the English psychoanalyst , the late D. W. Winnicott , speaks ( 1964 ) with a similar skill ( as does Dr Hugh Jolly to readers of The Times ) .
7 On the day that the last of the articles appeared , the Zionist Federation staged a demonstration outside the London offices of The Times , some of their supporters holding placards which announced that the paper was ‘ a new Arab secret weapon ’ and that the PLO would be the next owner of The Times .
8 I 'll bet if the offices of The Times got vandalised , we 'd hear about it , all right . ’
9 Other interesting trades of the time were shoemakers , a weaver , a straw-hat maker , a druggist and a castrator , plus the more usual ones .
10 Some of these straight orthocone nautiloids achieve considerable dimensions , several metres long , and they must have been formidable predators on the other marine animals of the time .
11 From the evidence of the biographical sources , this would appear to be a nearly complete list of the mevleviyet kadiliks of the time ; the only surprising omission is the kadilik of Mecca , which seems to have been a mevleviyet for some years before 963 .
12 Interestingly , it was a man 's leg that was shown in the police demonstration photograph to avoid offending the decorum and susceptibilities of the time .
13 [ Dartford Chronicle , 12 February 1870 ; The Paper Mills Directory , 1859 onwards ; T. H. Saunders , Illustrations of the British Paper Manufacture , 1855 ; management letter-books of The Times , Times archives . ]
14 So important a part of our story does Macmillan 's visit to the north become that we must deal with it in some detail , and our main contemporary source for what happened is Macmillan 's own diary entries of the time for 12 and 13 May .
15 She was on friendly terms with most of the leading horticulturalists of the time , and was able to provide Charles Darwin [ q.v. ] with a number of rare plants .
16 These show a remarkable grasp of the prevalent styles of the time that were adopted by both Italian and English composers , and especially by J C Bach .
17 A representative rather than a complete library was aimed at and , after selection , the Princess wrote personally to 171 favoured authors of the time .
18 I have little doubt that a major force in the moulding of the law in this form is to be found in the practitioners ' text books of the time , notably Bullen & Leake 's Precedents of Pleadings , 3rd ed. ( 1868 ) , p. 50 , and Leake 's Law of Contracts , 5th ed. ( 1906 ) , p. 61 ; we can see this reflected in the form of the arguments advanced in the cases , and the manner in which the court reacted to submissions by counsel challenging the accepted view .
19 A native of southern Europe and western Asia , costmary is now naturalized in Europe and North America , being introduced when it was detailed as an ingredient in cookery books of the time .
20 This time the four definitive gricers ' bibles of the time come in one small , hardbacked ( and thus very easily pocketed ) volume with many pictures and full shed lists ( complete with the names of Loco Superintendents and Chief Mechanical Engineers ? ) which would have been important information for spotters of the time .
21 But looked at in its full historical perspective , Karajan 's career from 1929 to 1949 was as subject to trauma , disruption , and the vagaries of the times as the next man 's .
22 For example , aspects of the time and place of the discourse in ( 5 ) are important because they have a bearing on what the speaker says in the fragment ( forty years after the described event took place , but still in Stornoway ) .
23 But his shortcomings ( of which he was engagingly aware ) reflected those very traits of character which made him , in the words of The Times obituary , a great public servant and a most lovable man .
24 Swimming defiantly against the tides of the times , Moonshake place much emphasis on their lyrics and thus run the risk of being seen as old-fashioned .
25 Gold-topped walking canes or cigarette cases were typical presents of the time ; the girls received numerous bouquets , and ( from the producer , Captain Wombwell ) a gold brooch each .
26 And this was to be the case with a lot of actuality pictures of the time .
27 Out of rock came a stance of the rock concert rebel , where the crises and contradictions of the times could be played out as theatre .
28 They are idealizations which serve to ‘ cover and to evade the actual and bitter contradictions of the time ’ ( Williams , 1973 , p. 45 ) .
29 They were constrained by s I mean like what they wanted to do was constrained by the practical sort of necessities of the time and even if they had wanted to have a more vigorous policy of land reform
30 Then came ‘ Gimmie Indie Rock ’ , a funny and sarcastic swipe at all the unit-shifting alternative rock dinosaurs of the time , and some people noticed .
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