Example sentences of "[noun pl] of [pers pn] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 And then we walked on a little bit further and there was big clumps of them everywhere they was .
2 It was hard going , but as readers of her undoubtedly interesting although immensely tendentious book will discover , some progress was made , although so far as I was concerned with astonishing fluctuations in my popularity .
3 Braque had stated the new concept of form more consciously in the Baigneuse or Nu of early 1908 , where the unnaturally squat proportions of the figure are further exaggerated by the inclusion of certain aspects of it not visible from a single point of view .
4 The Cubist painters had claimed for themselves the right to move around their subject and incorporate aspects of it not visible from a single point of view , and they bestowed , in theory if not in actual practice , the same liberty on the spectator in relationship to their own work .
5 Mozart was often able to report performances of it back to his father .
6 Most of this grid , incidentally , was later destroyed by the growth of the University and Colleges , though fragments of it still exist .
7 It will be almost impossible for photographers to sneak pictures of her there although the guide says : ‘ It is advisable for guests to draw their curtains if they want privacy because footpaths lead past many of the rooms . ’
8 Awful pictures of me there .
9 Within a few weeks of Glass 's abduction , a group calling itself the Organization of Good against Evil released video pictures of him allegedly confessing to being a spy .
10 Got pictures of him though .
11 There were now huge pictures of him everywhere , and endless slogans which even to me , young and silly as I was , seemed completely mindless : ‘ Credere , Obbedire , Combattere ’ ( ‘ Believe , Obey , Fight ’ ) and ‘ Se avanzo seguitemi , se indietreggio uccidetemi ’ ( ‘ If I advance follow me , if I retreat kill me ’ ) were two of the more popular ones .
12 But you think it 's perfectly all right to talk about women 's tits and bums and stick pictures of them up all over the place .
13 I have some pictures of it here , which I want to show to my hon. Friend .
14 You 've seen it before yeah that 's right you you recognise it from the shape and and er because you 've either seen pictures of it before or you 've been there .
15 Not the best of subjects to inject a little bit of humour but we did find er traces of it nevertheless .
16 But if this state of comparative retirement owed much to his desire to experience as fully as possible the companionship of marriage , it was also imposed upon him by the demands of his still fragile health .
17 And I want those lips of yours again … your mouth … ’
18 I think what I 'll do , you 've got about forty minutes of it today , you 'll get Carl Rogers working with a client called er and then we 'll stop there and then next week you 'll see the er the next behaviourist called er called erm Arnold Lazarus , okay , who you might wan he 's got a book called Multi Modal Therapy which was a big hit about ten years ago and there 's about five copies in the library .
19 Just ten or fifteen minutes of it now would see him right , a short trip out through the islets and mudbanks where you could let the boat drift , lean over the stern and watch the inner life of the dirty green water , the shreds of seaweed and small branches and other shapes that sometimes proved to be alive , or focus on the surface , a depthless sheet of scum on which the pearly light shimmered in continual shifting patterns , or even look up to see a huge modern building , several storeys high , going for a stroll along a neighbouring island , the superstructure of a freighter putting out to sea along the deep-water channel …
20 He also studied — between Helvoetfluys and the Brill — the production of madder , Rubia tinctorum , used in dyeing and ‘ took some minutes of it down upon the spot . ’
21 In a business , copies of letters printed and sent might be the first to go : you would have taken ‘ hard ’ copies of them already if needed for records .
22 we had that photograph we decided to get lots and lots of copies of it well they still have n't come back .
23 Modern scholars have found proof that from here they continued to withdraw north-eastwards , groups of them eventually making their way to the vicinity of the Tigris-Euphrates basin , the region which now constitutes the border between Syria and Iraq .
24 Maybe with groups of us as small as sort of six to ten .
25 Hurray , oh , er , no poo I do n't believe it , hurray , done loads of them today have n't you ?
26 Got loads of them here !
27 And they had white , the whole lot like , and they stripped off right down to a white G-string , then they turned all the lights off and dropped them and by the time they 'd put the lights black on , back on , I ca n't speak now , they 'd had , they had a black one on so they , what they must have had , they well they do , they have loads of them on , they just peel them off like one after another never actually see them naked .
28 I got loads of them now — mostly different colours .
29 We shall come across specific forms of them later .
30 The Irish have settled into this country and there are communities of them all over do they go and see your concerts and if they do that must mean a great deal to them I should think ?
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