Example sentences of "[noun pl] of [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Like the ideologists of the left , the libertarians are concerned to elaborate a political philosophy and then drastically transform the world in accordance with that philosophy .
2 The libertarians , in common with the ideologists of the left , whose tactics they often self-consciously copy , frequently find themselves in conflict with their own party , which they claim is insufficiently ideological ( Durham , 1985 ; Gamble , 1986 ) .
3 His hair and skin are dark , like a gipsy 's , but he has the manners of a gentleman .
4 He came into the carriage in his khaki uniform , this great English bear with the manners of a gentleman , and asked if he could smoke .
5 ‘ Apart from arrogance , bad temper , selfishness , and the manners of a dictator ? ’
6 He seemed a courtly gentleman with the inbred manners of a diplomat .
7 In the streets they affect the manners of a pantomime dame to gain attention : they pinch men 's buttocks , purposely make buffoons of themselves , but are quick to take offence .
8 You 've got the manners of a pig .
9 His capacity for controversy in such social encounters had gained Johnson a great deal of his divinity in English letters , but in Scotland , with the good manners of a visitor necessarily prevailing , such intercourse invariably proved pleasant , Lord Monboddo 's house typically thus .
10 ‘ The manners of a bull elephant , ’ was Monica 's elegant description .
11 Miraculously cured of back pains just before he had joined the NSC , he had joined a charismatic Episcopal congregation , in which he kept the church manners of a Catholic ; and where appeals for the contras were concerned he could take either voice , as necessary .
12 Moreover , the actual life and manners of the peasantry are by no means clear , and the historians are divided over whether the late age of marriage , dictated by the impossibility of marriage before an economic slot opened for the man , meant compulsory restraint or a social toleration of masturbation , oral and anal sex , and homosexuality .
13 ( I am anxious that you should understand the customs and manners of the country where the events in question took place , so different from your own .
14 This equestrian portrait ( by Franz Casanova ) conveys Peter 's commitment to Russian military might and also the costume and manners of the west .
15 As is his wont , the novelist delivers an appropriate come-uppance to not-so-eminent Edwardians who adopt the pompous manners of the Empire and refuse to acknowledge that the rest of the world is due to move on .
16 The point could be put differently by suggesting that in his notions of a " community of Christians " and " parochial units " he displayed little understanding of the nature of English life — his grasp of it was theoretical rather than actual ; just as he adopted almost too perfectly the dress and manners of an Englishman , so he offered an idealized and therefore unconvincing account of English society .
17 Michael Lee , although he dressed , talked and had the manners of an Englishman , was a half-caste — it showed in the vaguely Oriental slant to his features , and the slight pigmentation of his skin .
18 The dangers of perpetuating in power a weakened and uncertain Conservative Party , set alongside the progress Labour has made in modernising itself , justify by a fine margin the risks of a change . ’
19 The risks of a drug can not be treated in isolation from its benefits , from the risks of the disease being treated , or from the potentially deleterious effects of drug withdrawal .
20 The risks of a fall in profitability are covered by base capital ( 25 per cent of a firm 's annual costs ) , whilst position capital is held to protect against large falls in share prices in those shares held .
21 The risks of a court case also have to be in the forefront of your mind .
22 The main threats to the group are political , including the risks of a trade war , selective US taxes on foreign companies , and VAT on UK food .
23 The fundamental approach must be to visualise the risks of a fire from every aspect in the total project , to ensure that if a fire occurs , it can be kept small and cool .
24 They will also consider the risks of a habit that could lead to their own early illness or death .
25 These are insurance subsidiaries set up to insure some or all of the risks of a group of companies .
26 Therefore , it seems shareholders should absorb the risks of an enterprise in preference to management doing so .
27 However , it is now generally agreed that there is a large range of uncertainty in the numerical results quantifying the risks of an accident , as recent reactor accidents have highlighted .
28 The local authority exercising its parental responsibility would certainly have to consider very carefully whether it accepted that practitioner 's advice and any advice as to the risks of the transfer of J. from one hospital to another before giving its consent to such different treatment .
29 The panel concludes that overall the benefits outweighed the risks of the drug at doses of 0.25 and 0.125 mg when provided with appropriate data sheets .
30 Highly conscious of the strategic risks of the defence of Cuba , sensing that Castro — who had no orthodox Communist credentials — was too ambitious and unpredictable a leader to be a wholly reliable client , and ( as explained in chapter 4 ) already beginning to regret the extent of their economic commitment , the Soviet leadership once again retreated into caution .
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