Example sentences of "[noun pl] of [pron] to " in BNC.

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1 As though he could see beneath her skin with those piercing dark eyes of his to the anguished pulsing ball that was her heart at this moment .
2 Now I have to tell you that last year we raised a hundred and thirteen million pounds and of that over ninety per cent , that 's a hundred and four million pounds were actually spent on projects for children and I 'm very proud of that ratio indeed and I think it ought to give you , the raisers of money , a great deal of comfort because for a fund with two headquarters buildings which operates all over the world this is a distribution of funds of which to be proud .
3 The Jews ' special characteristics derive from the religion which was given to them by Moses , which stressed one God who was invisible and would not allow images of Himself to be made for worship .
4 Charlemagne thought that the Byzantine emperors had been denied the Roman empire , which had been conferred on him instead ( 800 ) , because they had shown the pride of Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon , not least in allowing images of themselves to be idolatrously venerated .
5 It still stank and his nobles were so keen to avoid the putrid smell , they sent waxen images of themselves to the church .
6 Kant gives several alternative formulations of the basic principle of the categorical imperative , which he believes have the same essential content but present different aspects of it to our thought .
7 The thick , unbreathable atmosphere carries traces of what to us are corrosive and poisonous substances .
8 Colchester police issued a photograph of Lisa and appealed for any sightings of her to be reported .
9 He had been expecting to sell quite a few additional copies of it to those customers of his who appreciated such things .
10 Rather it is couched in absolutist terms that reify literacy as though its very essence were being described and that unjustifiably relate specific cultural manifestations of it to such universals as logic , abstraction etc .
11 Cruises of one to three weeks can take in Ireland , the Scilly Isles or north and south Brittany .
12 The King , who had not forgotten the sermons of Andrewes , told Parliament that ‘ Princes are not bound to give account of their actions but to God alone ’ and that ‘ Parliaments are altogether in my power for their calling , sitting and dissolution ; as I find the fruits of them to be good or evil they are to continue or not to be . ’
13 Born and brought up in the area , unlike other members of the group who had lived locally for Periods of one to seven years .
14 Two hundred and forty volts of it to be exact .
15 ‘ I 'm not paid to get involved in ideas of yours to swindle my employer , Zambia . ’
16 There is no relation between the services consumed and the costs of them to individuals , and the central government appears to wish to introduce a benefit-related tax for local authorities .
17 An account of how Dostoevsky extrapolated his lifelong leading themes of somebody to be and somewhere to go from Cervantes 's huge rhetoric of quest , would be doomed from the start .
18 She said bits of it to herself aloud every day .
19 As the model presents different sides of itself to the wind , it is necessary to hold on various trim offsets to remain stationary ( Fig. 5.1 ) relative to the pilot .
20 Both the activities of local antislavery associations and public meetings engendered petitions and the recurrent presentation of large numbers of them to parliament was a striking feature of antislavery history .
21 Full-time provision includes courses of one to three and four years ' duration , some of which may be studied as separate ‘ end-on ’ courses and many of which provide opportunities for transfer of suitable students to degree courses .
22 ‘ diplomas ’ — defined as qualifications — included Scottish Vocational Qualifications — achieved on completion of post secondary courses of one to three years
23 The probability of one in ten is the same as odds of one to nine or 0.1111 , a 50 per cent probability corresponds to odds of one to one , or ‘ evens ’ , and so on .
24 As a student in your last term you will begin to send out letters and photographs of yourself to all possible valuable contacts .
25 Occasionally there was a total embargo on any press interviews and Laura never allowed a stock of photographs of her to be held and handed out at will .
26 Now they sat in the tiny dressing room , their washing hanging on the radiators , eating health food and tirelessly sending information and soft-focus photographs of themselves to directors , theatres , agents , TV companies and producers .
27 Sharing our experiences allowed parts of ourselves to surface which were both painful and joyous .
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