Example sentences of "[pers pn] [that] you [modal v] " in BNC.

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1 Then within the team 's , in the Policy Team there were three Policy Development Officer 's , in the Neighbourhood Development Team there were two Development Officer 's and in the Community Development Team there are one , two , there are well there are normally six officer 's that you could I that you could identify , but there are other people that relate to them , but then it gets a bit complicated so were keep it at that .
2 Well , her position in society is so much higher than yours that you ca n't hope to marry her .
3 ‘ I do hope you 're not working up to telling me that you wo n't be able to pay me what I 'm due ?
4 ‘ You are n't worried that there might be things about me that you wo n't like ?
5 It occurred to me that you might plan it as one great central shed with bays let off it on each side .
6 ‘ In fact , I would have been due to cover tonight anyway , but it occurred to me that you might be worried .
7 ‘ It occurred to me that you might not have seen Madeira before , ’ he said .
8 ‘ It just occurred to me that you might have preferred to shop in the Via Veneto .
9 ‘ It never occurred to me that you might be talking about a postponement . ’
10 ‘ All the same , promise me that you 'll visit him often when I 've left — make sure that all goes well with him . ’
11 Promise me that you 'll let me know if the pain returns .
12 ‘ Miss Marsden assured me that you would agree . ’
13 Matron told me that you would have both legs removed .
14 ‘ Mrs Blackler of the agency advised me that you would be in touch . ’
15 That 's as much as to tell me that you would be hovering round me like a vulture , waiting till the breath was out of my body , that you might go and marry someone else . ’
16 ‘ But you said … you told me that you would never exhibit the picture .
17 ‘ Dr Horrocks told me that you would feel the pain of this experience as … ’
18 And you yourself made it clear to me that you would not stomach so much as one more day , if we could but be induced to open a way of escape for you .
19 If you had told me that you would n't be here .
20 You said to me that you would n't mind whatever one you got of Cher cos you like her music .
21 ‘ It annoyed me that you ca n't examine those dilemmas and those characters in human terms .
22 ‘ He told me that you ca n't tell what happens in a battle because there 's too much smoke and noise .
23 ‘ You sit there and tell me that you can see men or ghosts or apparitions that no one else can see ; you deny all evidence that the man or ghost or apparition is actually elsewhere and therefore can not be here ; and I am prejudiced ?
24 I also take the American Freshwater and Marine Aquarium , and it amazes me that you can buy , for instance , a pump which sells for in Britain .
25 I do n't propose to enter into a tutorial on the enhanced commands , but take it from me that you can manipulate how a program looks when it opens , and even feed keystrokes to it automatically , have it run macros , and so forth .
26 So it seems to me that you can not do analysis in a group because by definition the ego of a person in a group is , is detracted from , whereas in individual psychoanalysis and ideally the ego of the person is added to and enlarged to give them more competence by being made to face up to its repressions .
27 ‘ If you can convince me that you can make Kirsty happy , believe me , I wo n't stand in your way . ’
28 ‘ Yes , you 've proved to me that you can lie .
29 ‘ It 's always amazing to me that you can be a man in charge of 100 or 200 people , then you get your pension book and suddenly you are regarded as deaf and daft .
30 Or the nineteen thirties book is like one of the things that really inspired me because it showed me that you can do type that looks as though , I mean it can be composed as though in metal and not be boring — can not be , manufactured , you know hum drum , by varying the weights and by massing it , and also one of the things they do , that you see in those books that you did n't see in printing , was this size of type .
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