Example sentences of "[pers pn] [adv prt] [v-ing] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It might put me off sailing for good ! ’
2 But Terry , 34 , of Longbenton , Tyneside , said : ‘ This has n't put me off jumping at all .
3 ‘ My last defeat was in New York against Glenwood Brown in 1989 but , instead of putting me off going to a guy 's home town , it seemed to encourage me , ’ said Boucher .
4 Is there anything else that would put you off breaking into a house ?
5 After a few months off , your main worry may be that you wo n't be able to cope with a full-time job , which will probably put you off returning to what you were doing before the baby .
6 ‘ What are you out looking for ? ’
7 Although it was very rough at first , but I got used with it even when the seasickness caught me up going round the top of the highland , but once he was away from that and er I was n't a drinker in these days but some old man says to me , er before you go to a meal , he says , take a drop of brandy .
8 Milton can not lift Satan to such great heights and put such great speeches in his mouth and then snatch them back denying in his authorial intrusions what he has just proclaimed through his character .
9 They have learned to play their part in the hierarchy , to receive instructions and carry them out according to strict rules and regulations .
10 ‘ But knowing Billy he will send them out bursting with pride in the jersey .
11 ‘ In that case , you should never have taken me out sailing in the first place ! ’
12 Females , then , could have more babies than the apes could have , because they would n't have to carry them around looking for food .
13 But the accident has n't put him off taking to the road himself .
14 A former international sportsman who was stabbed while he was out jogging says the attack has n't put him off running in the future .
15 John phoned him up looking for a bass player and Cliff gave him my number .
16 He clawed at the edge of the closing door , but the butt of a lance shoved hard under his ribs heaved him back gasping into the room , and the door closed on his convulsed face .
17 He put more logs on the fire and she sat on the floor with her back resting against a settle .
18 She slipped into a ditch and we pulled her out gasping for breath .
19 perhaps she thought , that 's it , I bet she writes it down chatting in the exam .
20 There 's erm there 's always a tension for those of us who are parents , particularly those of us who erm send our children to the state schools , as to erm what 's in the best interests of our own particular individual child and what might be in the best interests of all the children in the area in which we live , and erm this vote was an invitation to think only , very selfishly , of what might be the situation for our children , and I 'm very glad that erm many parents in Banbury thought of children in general living in North Oxfordshire and erm realise that you ca n't just take one limb of an education service and send it off spinning into its own orbit and not expect the rest to suffer .
21 This Bill proposes that health benefits be available free to all receiving means-tested benefits — for instance , the disabled working allowance benefit , due to begin in April 1992 , could lead to claimants who take it up moving from income support to that benefit and thus losing the right to free prescriptions .
22 Then you bring your ladder that you 've brought with you for the job and you put it up leaning on this windowsill , so that essentially if that 's the windowsill the end of that table there , it 's up to here you see with the top of the ladder just above the windowsill .
23 This is not an equal fight between two evenly matched sides battling it out according to some carefully laid down ground rules of fair play .
24 For a moment there was deadlock then Maxim remembered his dark sunglasses case and took it out aiming like a gun .
25 Quickly an apartment block rose six storeys high around it , almost removing it from sight : passers-by could just make it out looking through the unglazed windows of the unfinished ground-floor flats .
26 For five and a half hours , competitors in teams of four , battled it out finishing in time for lunch late in the afternoon .
27 Lucker fills up and checks the car , whilst I buy some food , zap it through the microwave , and bring it out steaming to the car .
28 As the money flowed in , first in a dribble , then in a torrent , Nora began to move it around according to the strategy they had devised .
29 Maybe that 's a mistake we 've made and that 's the way we 've turned it round looking at people .
30 At the weekend Ian took us out sailing on the lake .
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