Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb -s] to be " in BNC.

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1 Thank God no more by me needs to be said .
2 Generally speaking , people in this room are sitting around relaxing ; they are n't bustling about generating their own heat so the atmosphere around them needs to be kept at a comfortable temperature .
3 First among them has to be Hugh Laurie 's facial interpretation of Bertie , now brought to a fine pitch of eye-popping , open-mouthed imbecility .
4 But our attitude towards them has to be based on the understanding that they want to transform us into a different party — a party which could never win , and might well not deserve to win , against a Conservative government which itself embraces the social market .
5 So if he finds himself behaving very differently in school to how he behaves at home , one of them has to be ‘ real ’ and the other ‘ phoney ’ .
6 They can be as immodest and as positive as you like — although the risk of being embarrassed if other people find them has to be taken into account .
7 Moreover , while these analyses are useful in clarifying relationships the underlying explanation of them has to be sought in the factors surveyed by other chapters .
8 Only about a third of them has to be what you really call meat .
9 Only about a third of them has to be what you 'd really call meat , and quite a lot of them had an enormous amount of fat in them .
10 I hope you like its new look and find its approach to yours needs to be equally professional .
11 ‘ I was interested in how a mind works that is as analytical and calculating as his seems to be . ’
12 Would n't you agree that in normal day to day language if we see a line of cars going down a road and one of them happens to be a Rolls Royce we would say , that 's the quality car ?
13 I ai n't one of them niggers to be sold like they used to at the Trow . ’
14 It is important that the senior management is briefed to be as open as possible at such meetings , otherwise the value of them tends to be diminished .
15 She longs to be wanted and loved , and can share affection .
16 ‘ But she hates to be confined .
17 When , after his assaults on her , she begs to be allowed to leave , her instinctive feeling for him makes her provide him with some hope of her return , or at least of their future communication .
18 Ian Rutherford 's beautiful , coloured photograph that she refers to was in the best possible taste and the reference to Gilbert and Sullivan could have caused offence only to someone with an inbuilt dislike to the two old stalwarts .
19 ‘ Perhaps you were the sun for your little dragon ; and now she is strong enough , she wants to be free . ’
20 The new Eve momentarily wants to be a tragedy queen ; for a few flickering instants , she wants to be like almost ali the characters in literature whom we find most beguiling — Cleopatra , Anna Karenin , Madame Bovary , Eve herself in Paradise Lost — a figure who has risked everything for the sake of une grande passion .
21 What I ca n't understand is who she thanks when she wants to be thankful , for example when her son was born .
22 ‘ Madonna can be as big an actress as she wants to be , ’ says Ed O'Ross .
23 Well , I think at first they were both afraid to become music specialists , but she knows so much now — good contemporary pop music , not just my music — that she wants to be involved with it and she refuses to be professionally involved unless she has expert knowledge .
24 Joanne , now 17 and doing A-levels — she wants to be a doctor — still vaguely remembers Dohti and , according to her mother , keeps an open mind on the subject of reincarnation .
25 ‘ Oh , its been a strain — I did n't mind at first because she 'd stay down at her flat for short periods of time , but obviously as her memory 's got worse she does n't realise that she 's got a flat , and the only thing she knows is in here , and this is the only place she wants to be — here .
26 If an elderly parent is giving up her home to move into yours it can be a very traumatic experience for her , even though you are ‘ family ’ and she wants to be with you .
27 She wants to be known as a workhorse and not a clothes horse .
28 She wants to be perfect for Don , ’ said the friend .
29 She wants to be able to go ahead with their plans for a family even if he dies .
30 Once a woman has decided what and who she wants to be , it is for the men in her life , if there are any , to re-educate themselves to take account of her .
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