Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb -s] [pos pn] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 They can be planted anywhere in the general scheme , mixed with herbaceous perennials , annuals , bulbs , shrubs or roses , provided the site chosen for them supplies their requirements , as with any garden plant .
2 ‘ May I has yer worms , Mr Oakley ? ’ inquired the choirboy .
3 I wants my others .
4 ‘ 239 , dad , ’ I says , reverend-like. 'E smiles and I folds 'is 'ands acrorst 'is stomich . ’
5 ‘ I 've told yer before , 'e pays less than any ovver firm in Bermondsey an' 'e sacks 'is workers fer the least fing. 'E would n't tolerate the union fer ages an' as soon as any of 'is workers tried ter get the union in they were put off .
6 ‘ What does John Percival say when 'e does yer books ? ’
7 And the next thing , why and she whips her boobs for everybody to see , and they 're all , yeah !
8 My mother 's room is still : she turns her eyes
9 She turns her eyes again , following
10 " His idea of a party trick is to tickle his wife until she wets her knickers .
11 ‘ Is that how she signs her letters ?
12 For instance , a woman may not understand why her husband 's only response is frustration when she rubs her fingers over his shoulder .
13 She rubs his knuckles silently , gazing at the lights below them .
14 He looks at Candice and she puckers her lips , perhaps ironically .
15 If she plays her cards right . ’
16 She shuts her eyes and sort of lets out a moan like a dog whining or summat .
17 She shuts her eyes again and rolls over .
18 — When Manjiku comes , she shuts her eyes and lets herself fall down his throat past the barbed teeth and come down to land in the foul bilgewater in his gut .
19 She brushes her teeth with fluoride , but spits to deter the Evil Eye .
20 And it brought home to her the fact that some children can not cope with maths , however hard they try — a realisation she may well be glad of when she fulfils her ambitions to become a fully-fledged teacher .
21 THE firmly closed position of her feet and knees and the way she points her knees away from her husband shows that she feels no signs of affection towards him .
22 She disapproves of a great deal of Charles 's life , these days ; she thinks his ambitions misplaced , his goals suspect , his methods dangerous , his new political alignments deplorable : but she is loyal to Charles , to Charles himself , to the man that these manifestations in her view misrepresent .
23 She thinks your parents are terribly posh . ’
24 Then she summons her guards .
25 Since her one-year Fellowship as artist-in-residence at the Liverpool Tate Gallery , in 1990 , Godfrey-Isaacs work has focussed on the body ; exploring the minutiae of tissue and fissure , she writes her findings large in uncompromising , heavily worked , and brightly coloured canvases .
26 She dresses her dolls in super expensive Dior label frocks and even has her own yacht .
27 she said something about it in school , she goes she wants their names right and their occupation cos say like you go to the butcher shop and then you go to that and the other
28 She wants her readers to think out for themselves what she is saying .
29 Not really because she wants , does n't want to elope with him , she wants her jewels .
30 No she 's single actually , she lives her parents ' house
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