Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb -s] [be] under " in BNC.

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1 Ever since she 's been under threat of eviction .
2 But one woman who should have been there could n't attend the ceremony — because she 's been under house arrest for the past four years .
3 If she 's been under stress .
4 He has been under a lot of pressure and he came out and played superbly . ’
5 Wade Dooley is by no means the only player who was apt to be more profitable under the old laws than he has been under the new .
6 It has been under test in Germany for a year where it has been used to control a Mercedes test vehicle on the autobahn .
7 It 's been under wraps for weeks , but now the political biography everyone 's talking about has finally arrived .
8 And he 's been under somebody or other at Charing Cross Hospital I , who has a rather different approach to the whole thing , many other people 's involve rest and doing nothing and so on and so forth .
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