Example sentences of "[pers pn] [was/were] because the " in BNC.

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1 and I do n't think they were because the school
2 But crucial differences remain , and it was because the early modern transvestite was not conceptualized in terms of a pathological sexual subjectivity — the modern ‘ homosexual ’ — that her transgression was regarded , albeit with paranoia , as more social than sexual .
3 After the election Mr Bryan Gould , when asked why he thought Labour had lost , replied that it was because the electorate was too ‘ conservative ’ .
4 An MoD spokesman said it was because the initial charge was not one of rape that the Suffolk police had not been informed .
5 She had n't become a whore because she wanted to ; it was because the money of perverted old men had offered her an easy way out of poverty — those same old men who would clamour for the investigation to be dropped .
6 It was because the Communist Party fed me , that my learning stood me in good stead and I know at least this much and I live like this .
7 Perhaps it was because the glamorous life was too far away to show off their child to friends and relatives .
8 Lord Rothschild appeared on television to give a Dimbleby lecture in which he authoritatively reassured the public that the risks of nuclear power were negligible : if those risks were not , in fact , accepted , it was because the public were too stupid or ill-educated to realise that they were objectively ‘ acceptable ’ .
9 Perhaps it was because the Americans had not been at the Moscow Olympics that he was n't sure of himself ; yet he had beaten them later .
10 It was because the rebels believed that he had stashed away rather more cash abroad than might be necessary to pay his tuition fees that Doe met an end still more grisly than that of his Romanian guests .
11 ‘ It 's difficult to understand why he might have been moving badly going to the start — perhaps it was the dirt or maybe it was because the heat was so intense . ’
12 She says it was because the EC drove such a hard bargain on fish in 1972 that public opinion turned against membership .
13 ‘ In one far from isolated case , the court requested a pre-sentence report for a shoplifting offence and we believe it was because the girl was pregnant .
14 I asked the Corporal why he had saluted and he explained that it was because the Legion was the senior arm of the French Armed Forces .
15 It was because the Tory Opposition would not allow it — and that in spite of a general election which , fought on the one issue , had just returned a House of Commons with a large majority in favour .
16 Perhaps , and perhaps contentiously , it was because the general insurrection had not taken place at this time : at least not in the sense that it involved trial by battle .
17 Doubts were expressed in Washington ; but in spite of Griffin 's assertion that the wave of communist risings in Indo-China were not economic , social or ideological , rather they were predominantly nationalistic , he concluded that it was because the Bao Dai government was itself so intensely nationalist that it was worth supporting .
18 It was because the people were used to that kind of society with a secret police and er government inspectors and sending people out to Siberia and putting
19 and it was because the generation whose sons were being sent to be slaughtered
20 ‘ He said it was because the seams looked as if they were going somewhere … ’
21 It was because the parties had all analysed the nature of the problem we had to decide in the same way that it was agreed at the outset of the hearing before us that the central question we had to answer was this : in what capacity are High Court judges sitting when they sit as visitors to the Inns of Court in disciplinary cases ?
22 But now Mr Wolski had been asked to see her , and it was because the Curator , in his kind but mistaken way , thought he might like to take leave of the old eagle .
23 Huy knew that it was because the policeman could trust him only so far after his confession .
24 Perhaps it was because the shining pennies were a reward for her hard work , some recompense for her sore knees and the work-reddened hands which took the coins from Dr Neil .
25 It was because the Callaghan Government ran out of money to spend on the water industry and the big utilities that they encountered such problems .
26 Maybe it was because it was the last school day of the week ; maybe it was because the house was especially tidy that day ; maybe it was because I was in the wrong house , at the wrong time , in the wrong Galaxy .
27 This was a cynical hint that , if Spain had an authoritarian regime , it was because the Spanish people were ungovernable otherwise .
28 It was because the economy was as yet exhibiting a modest rate of overall growth ( by modern standards ) that investment could be undertaken on a private and regional basis with the state 's role confined to that of legal enablement .
29 It was because the moment of decision was approaching that they were up here on the hill of Dumyat , six miles from Thorfinn 's muster-point at Dunblane , and half that from the crag on the Forth beside which , on one side or another , Thorfinn would take his stand against any Northumbrian advance out of Lothian .
30 I , I knew , I , I knew that it was because the , that the taxi cabs had insisted , but now told us the reason .
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