Example sentences of "[pers pn] [is] [vb pp] that " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I think 'e 's owed that , ’ said Sprott , ‘ I think 'e 's owed a generous tribute . ’
2 Kate Spencer-Nairn has been in wheelchair for eight years since her treatment at the Churchill Hospital in Oxford.In a High Court damages case against Oxfordshire Health Authority , she 's claimed that her spine was n't properly shielded during radiation treatment for Hodgkin 's Disease .
3 She 's shown that she can think on her feet , that she wo n't be bullied , even by a Prime Minister .
4 Traditionally , her top class has spent a residential week at Paignton Zoo and she is determined that , given the restriction on charging for activities within school hours , the tradition will be maintained ad infinitum .
5 Need it be a matter of wonder , when we see her capable of such restraint in general , that she should retire within herself and exercise that control we find her continually exerting over all her thoughts and actions the more energetically at a time when she is taught that a stray thought of desire would be impurity and its fruition pollution .
6 Helping an elderly woman to adjust and to find a new identity is never easy , but it can nearly always be achieved if she is shown that she is still loved and needed , by her family and friends .
7 He said : ‘ What is the housewife going to do when she is told that the price of her electricity has now reached 10 pence per unit .
8 She is told that if she catches sight of him when he visits her in the darkness , he will leave her .
9 Either it 's argued that British life does n't show up well in front of a film camera , or that British filmmakers are n't capable of using that camera to probe behind the surface of things .
10 It 's argued that psychoanalysts are motivated by the need to influence and control .
11 It 's argued that metering offers consumers an incentive to save water , allowing you to limit your bill by using less .
12 It 's accepted that the towing tractor will stand idle for some of the time , but at least you are n't taking tankers into the field , ’ he adds .
13 It 's accepted that doctors do n't look after their own families .
14 And if it 's discovered that I spent most of my childhood in care , then reporters could make enquiries and turn it into a big thing . ’
15 Even today , when the tottering of a Goldcrest or TESE is taken as a sign that the film industry is going under , it 's assumed that big companies are the key to surviving in the film business , because that 's the way they do things in LA .
16 The words of the Fourth Commandment are uncompromising and it 's assumed that so also are those who believe in keeping the Sabbath .
17 It 's proven that being surrounded by like-minded people is itself inspirational .
18 It 's understood that he has now been twice to complain to the Prime Minister that ministers are trying to make his staff do things he finds improper .
19 It 's understood that officers in an unmarked car followed
20 It 's understood that allegations of indecency were made by a 17 year old trainee monk in Brixton .
21 Retired university lecturer Ray Morgan was not at home when we called to see him , but it 's understood that he decided to quit after several meetings with the Gloucestershire Magistrates Association .
22 It 's believed that stress can actually depress the immune system , leaving us pretty to every cold and bout of flu , and also to more serious complaints .
23 It 's believed that the life force , energy and soul of a plant is to be found within its essential oils .
24 It 's believed that pollution can form substances in our body known as free radicals which speed up ageing .
25 It 's believed that up to fifty Britons could be involved in the siege involving a heavily armed religious group in Texas .
26 It 's believed that over the past year tens of thousands of pounds worth of equipment has been charged to the council and then sold privately by some of its staff .
27 It 's arranged that you would eat out or in small parties at the hotel , as I thought maybe you 'd want to get away from each other by then … .
28 Of course , it 's recognised that some of those allocated these vouchers will sell them straight away to others having money .
29 It 's hoped that wind power will eventually provide up to 20 per cent of the country 's energy needs .
30 It 's hoped that the album will be completed by the end of this month and will be out early next year . ’
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