Example sentences of "[pers pn] [is] [vb pp] into " in BNC.

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1 MAX : Well , she 's fallen into rack and ruin now .
2 Baby loves her rustic life , another letter continued to the black and white sister in Caen : she 's grown into a fine healthy creature .
3 Now she 's moved into a Home near some of her family after ten years of severe physical disability , which she 's had to come to terms with .
4 She 's far from home , you see , she 's strayed into tropical waters .
5 The only time she will sit with my mother is if she is called into the living room and the door closed behind her .
6 The daughter 's story proceeds serenely at first , then hits a sickening crunch ; raped at 11 , she is shot into wary adulthood .
7 Another woman dreams she is strapped into a burning airplane .
8 He subjected both to repeated analysis , ending up with a version of Maria Luisa in which she is transformed into a sharp-beaked , staring owl , and of Francisco Lezcano in which he has metamorphosed into a dog .
9 Finally she is forced into exclaiming , with almost bewildered amazement : ‘ These people are it !
10 She is put into very high heels , on which she wobbles .
11 I 'm convinced it 's seeped into my skin . )
12 For one night , it 's turned into a racetrack .
13 It 's turned into a surprise best seller , with the European Commission and Tory Party headquarters among those wanting a copy .
14 It 's grown into a different shape over the years , ’ she says of the abundance of jugs , pebbles , paintings ( almost all done by members of the family ) , china , and even animal skulls , which jostle each other to form displays everywhere you look .
15 It 's collected into books called The Great Lovers ' Valentine World Anthology of Love Poetry or whatever .
16 It 's built into you .
17 The A4 can also switch channels on the amp it 's plugged into , at the same time as a patch is selected .
18 It 's written into his contract that he should have a cameo appearence in every episode .
19 But now , 20 years on , it 's aged into a real beauty .
20 ‘ I suppose it 's bred into the Italian psyche . ’
21 It 's only where it changes from under to over , or over to under , that it 's caught into the background fabric .
22 The French for Pack is Meute and it 's divided into groups of six — just like ours .
23 ‘ Then they put them in the sun to dry out , and when the meat curls away from the shell it 's put into sacks .
24 This , of all the Fort 's pavilions , should be haunted by ghosts , yet today it is converted into a grubby little museum lacking any atmosphere or mystique .
25 The answer lies in the fact that , usually , the program , once written , can only be run in a computer if it is converted into object code whether temporarily , using an interpreter program , or permanently , using a compiler program .
26 it is blown into drilled holes at pre-set pressure and density .
27 It is subdivided into three geographical and administrative regions which are independent except at the highest level .
28 When it is injected into the human body , it disperses throughout the living tissue , until it is removed by normal functions .
29 Thus at a self-service station , as in the case of a non self-service one , property in the petrol passes to the buyer when it is poured into his tank , R. v. McHugh ( 1977 D.C. ) .
30 Since the second amendment to the articles of agreement the structure of the Fund has been defined as consisting not only of a board of governors , an executive board , and a managing director and staff , but also a council if it is called into being by a decision of the board of governors with an 85 per cent majority of total voting power .
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