Example sentences of "[pers pn] [is] after [det] " in BNC.

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1 Erm and but it 's after that that we we we differ a bit .
2 It 's after half past . ’
3 I am willing to fail any dope test be it verbal , non-verbal , as long as it 's after this year 's London Marathon .
4 To be sure we are seeing it in a grotesquely parodied form , but what leads to Celia being nearly raped is nothing less than the prevailing structures of patriarchal and heterosexual authority : it is after all her hitherto paranoidly jealous husband who has literally dragged her to Volpone 's bed .
5 It is after all a film about a mother and daughter relationship .
6 But there is a nagging doubt that the British Library itself will fall prey to the semi-literate tendency — it is after all located in Bloomsbury itself .
7 It is after all unlikely that any culture conflict present when British courts were first established would continue unresolved and unchanged for over a century .
8 It is after all one of the few areas in our lives over which we have control .
9 It is after all , an entity which gives house room to people as different as Chilean gaucho and Japanese silk farmer , Californian software writer and Australian brewer , Tongan noble and Panamanian politician ; it encompasses men and ideas more disparate and discordant than any to be found within the borders of any other physical entity on the planet .
10 All new starts are in some sense experimental , a revived realism not least ; and it is after all mildly experimental , in a way , to return to a half-deserted tradition forged in England two hundred years before in the age of the Hanoverians .
11 It is after all axiomatic of legislation that the more tightly you try to define and prescribe , the more points of ambiguity , the more potential loopholes you bring into being .
12 It is after all a dealers ' fair and gives us a chance to show what we have to potential and established clients without the auction houses breathing down our necks .
13 It is after all quite difficult to remember exactly what it felt like to be a small person when you yourself have n't been one for thirty or forty years .
14 It is after all the effectiveness ( or otherwise ) of the socialised deployment of the personal sector surplus which would over time build support for ( or resentment against ) any such scheme .
15 ‘ The air — ’ he paused , ‘ it is after all the nectar of the district , the essence of the mountains — to eat simple food in such air with such wonders of nature to look on — who could ask for more ? ’
16 ’ She said with quiet passion , ‘ Ah Lily , Lily , it is after all wonderful to be married and have children .
17 Naturally you will not want to make any commitment until you are certain that there is no chance he will change his mind and discover that it is after all you he loves .
18 The story is largely made up of legendary motifs , biblical recollections and Christian hostility ; it is after all meant to explain how the Christians took over a Jewish synagogue in Antioch which preserved , according to another source , the mantle of Moses , the surviving fragments of the Law tables , the keys of the Ark and other treasures .
19 It is after all a suburb of Abingdon
20 Brady and other Middlesbrough councillors obviously have a vested interest in laying the blame for the housing crisis at the door of the Conservative government it is after all a Labour-controlled authority .
21 Far be it for me to say that this is the sort of budget that conservatives ought to applaud because it is after all , a budget that is guided by a feeling that councils should provide services and they should orientate their services to the least communities , to be guided by equal opportunities and by egalitarians and that 's what this group has always stood for , this is the budget that we present tonight and I would hope that it would get a far better and far larger measure of support than perhaps of course been the case in the past .
22 I do believe that er we go on into the nineties the European Parliament will play an increasingly important role , but this will be because countries and peoples will be asking for it to play , to control the European Commission in Brussels , to push forward the policies which people are looking for and it is after all , I think we should recall , that it is the Germans now who are calling for strength and institutions , including increased powers for the European Parliament .
23 It is after half past three .
24 But then I do n't suppose that would be enough for you , and after all this is Boy 's story mostly , he is after all in a proper sense my hero , and you have to have this Boy clearly in your mind before we can proceed .
25 He is after all manager , and can not wish for a scandal … ’
26 One risk was that if they did n't act there was a gunman on the loose , desperate , he 's after all escaped from prison , possibly in a confined space in a block of flats with a vantage point .
27 Dan , he 's after that ashtray mind .
28 Lots of writers have produced extraordinary work in conditions more immediately oppressive than mine — mine is after all a kind of open prison — and their example inspires me .
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