Example sentences of "[pers pn] [to-vb] from [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I had no way of telling what time it was , but surely it might soon be possible for me to escape from my desert island and make my way back to the cottage and a warm bed .
2 ( b ) Take up references This applies to a purchase of leasehold property where the landlord 's licence to the transaction is required , and reminds you to obtain from your buyer-client names and addresses of persons who from their personal knowledge of your client can give assurance that he or she is likely to prove a satisfactory tenant .
3 Was it I who persuaded you to fly from your home ?
4 The six-month assessment will at least allow you to learn from your mistakes by pinpointing which of the pitfalls mentioned during this section you may have fallen into .
5 What er encouraged you to move from your first shop t t t t t t t to Valley Stores ?
6 On 7 July , the NIRC ordered them to refrain from their actions and , after further proceedings , on 21 July committed five of the seven to prison for contempt .
7 To take a fairly dramatic example , honey-bees are capable of extremely sophisticated mathematical computations that enable them to navigate from their hives to sources of nectar , using the sun 's position as a guide and compensating for its movement during the course of the day .
8 Penguin Books have an illustrious list of Irish writers and we are pleased to invite some of them to read from their work .
9 What do you expect them to understand from it ?
10 As they approach the valley overlooked by the Mountain of God , he asks her to accept from him the gift of a necklace .
11 If Smike were to play in a drama that required him to hide from someone , the pain of suddenly being found might hurt , but not with the rawness nor with the permanence of actuality .
12 … For that purpose it makes no difference whether the illegality is raised in the plaintiff 's claim or by way of reply to a ground of defence … ( ii ) Where the grant of relief to the plaintiff would enable him to benefit from his criminal conduct : … ( iii ) Where , even though neither ( i ) nor ( ii ) is applicable to the plaintiff 's claim , the situation is nevertheless residually covered by the general principle summarised in ( i ) above .
13 Moreover , where a woman dares not register her non-consent because of a man 's violent or frightening behaviour , the law is permitting him to benefit from his own wrong if it grants him a defence on the basis of an honest but unreasonable belief in consent .
14 Disenchantement with the policy of that union led him to resign from it and to join another union , Association of Professional Executive Clerical and Computer Staff ( ‘ A.P.E.X . ’ )
15 Once a scientist has universal laws and theories at his disposal , it is possible for him to derive from them various consequences that serve as explanations and predictions .
16 Recycling of waste was essential and it was the housewives ' job another job for her to salvage from her home such things as paper , bones , tin cans , old gramophone records , photographs and negatives , jam jars , rubber and rags .
17 Seeing his opportunity , Khalil Ullah Khan rode up to Dara and advised him to dismount from his war elephant and ride over to take charge of the wavering left wing .
18 This was the man whom Mary of Guise described to Sadler as ‘ a simple and the most inconstant man in the world ; for whatsoever he determineth today , he changeth tomorrow ’ ; and there were plenty of people in Scotland to help him to change from his position of March 1543 .
19 Holyfield , in fact , left heavyweight boxing with far more than the sport 's historians will allow him to take from it following Friday night 's stunning defeat by Riddick Bowe .
20 ‘ Mind you , you 'll have to write out the replies yourself in your own handwriting and in your own words — they 'll expect it to come from you . ’
21 In his latest publication on literacy , The Domestication of the Savage Mind ( 1977 ) , Goody acknowledges this work , but does not allow it to deflect from his design .
22 Just as in his rotation of Party officials to areas with which they had no connection and where they would have difficulty building up a power-base , so now Ceauşescu was transferring people into new places of work , forcing them to move from their old homes .
23 I would also like to thank the Nature Conservancy Council 's Upland Vegetation Survey and Andrew Currie for allowing me to quote from their unpublished reports .
24 — What do you expect them to gain from it ?
25 However , he would have to keep a close eye on our movements from now on , never allowing both of us to disappear from his sight for any length of time .
26 This is partly because , for reasons to be discussed later , we shall be confining ourselves to a certain class of creative person , viz authors : it would therefore be presumptuous of us to extrapolate from our conclusions to other forms of originality .
27 You and the Corporation have been telling us to purchase from our new subsidiaries in Taiwan , Korea , Singapore and even from Japan , for God 's sake .
28 It 's wrong for us to steal from someone who seems to be richer than we are just as it 's wrong for someone to steal from us if they think their need is greater than ours .
29 When we entered the local office to add yet more to my daughter 's investments , the helpful cashier advised us to switch from her existing account , requiring 90 days ’ notice of withdrawals to an instant access ‘ Prime Gold ’ account which had been available for some time , and in fact paid higher interest .
30 The purpose of learning , according to cognition theories , is to construct a number of organised detailed frames of reference held in a sufficiently flexible way to enable us to change from one to another when considering an event or problem so that the best judgment is made and a rational course of action is taken .
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