Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb mod] [be] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The types of functions allocated between them may be equally haphazard .
2 A number of important questions need to be asked , with all the tact at your command ; some of them may be best addressed to an articled clerk who is already with the firm .
3 Social and practical situations are interactive and pupils ' competence in them may be quite different from their abilities with pen and paper alone .
4 Many of them are under review and some of them may be virtually ignored in practice .
5 If certain organisational features , their dependence on the human resource and their national recognition are all points in common , differences between them may be more marked , more extensive and more culturally deep rooted .
6 Branch plants in regions far from head office may be more vulnerable to closure , while the more routine production work which is carried out in them may be more vulnerable to automation than the work done centrally .
7 I have outlined one possible approach to reading discourses , whether racist or antiracist , which suggests that what is going on in and between them may be more complex and contradictory than is often allowed .
8 On the other hand , the non-standardised dialects of Germany , Austria , and German-speaking Switzerland are all heteronomous with respect to standard German , in spite of the fact that they may be very unlike each other and that some of them may be very like Dutch dialects .
9 In many cases , identification of workers with the enterprise which employs them may be only weakly formed but again a community of interest may be established at this level , depending perhaps on the degree of ‘ paternalism ’ of the management , the character of employment conditions in the enterprise , and the degree of craft skill or other interesting aspect of work within the enterprise .
10 Some of them may be less careful with it than others so we need machines that can take a battering .
11 The offences may occur within the family or between acquaintances and to report them may be socially disruptive .
12 Some of them must be near half your age .
13 But then she added : ‘ They 're all very plain and I reckon that some of them must be over 60 ! ’
14 I suppose when a very young infant is adopted , the temptation to the parents to pretend that the child was born to them must be very great .
15 All of them should be easily obtainable from good garden centres .
16 One advantage of doing this at this stage is that the reader will probably feel able to devote a little extra effort to learning this terminology as the statements of the theorems themselves will take little remembering — many of them should be fairly familiar to him already .
17 I may be rather naïve for the big city , but I 'm learning fast .
18 I equally do n't want to sail into something that is er pretty undesirable and as my Noble Friend Lord Boyd-Carpenter says if we do that then almost certainly I do n't know I may be completely wrong , I 've got enormous faith in the my Right Honourable from my Noble Friend the Chief Whip and even more f faith in all my friends beh behind me whom I know will er go in , in the right direction because they think so erm superb , but My Lords er I would obviously like to see whether there is any way in which we can bridge this divide .
19 I may be completely wrong .
20 I may be downright wicked .
21 Then Ronni conceded as her chest continued to heave , ‘ I may be just a little out of breath . ’
22 I may be already spoken for , but I 'm also a normal , red-blooded male .
23 Should you wish to discuss this with me I may be most easily reached via telephone .
24 Now in Victorian times they were kept as pets and just like hamsters are today and there are still one or two around that er might just give you that impression but I may be really off the , the level here .
25 I 'll call for you — no , come down to the port and look for me , I may be there .
26 ’ I hate to say this , Mr. Kopek , but I think I may be too old to start all over again on something as new as this .
27 ‘ Because if you do n't I may be severely tempted to put you over my knee and give you the thrashing you sorely deserve . ’
28 Why is it it seems to me also , and I may be totally wrong here , but it seems people who are least likely to look after themselves are the ones who want to have animals ?
29 Well it 's just that I may be totally wrong but I just read it first when you read it first it 's like its prey in the light if you see what I mean .
30 I may be entirely wrong but I 'm going to be reading those when I 'm allowed to put my hands on a copy finally .
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