Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb mod] [not/n't] have " in BNC.

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1 It is possible for an aircraft to have several different modes of spinning , and all of them may not have been discovered during the testing .
2 Forty eight and and presumably many of the people who are perhaps seventy drawing pensions , they may not have even paid in thirty years themselves , I mean they may be many of them may not have been around for that period of time .
3 ‘ Mr Stevens , I may not have been a housekeeper for long , but I would say that in the time I have been , my abilities have attracted some very generous remarks . ’
4 Although I may not have got near to the ‘ God ’ of that particular place , those hundreds of hours spent in chapel were not wasted .
5 Another Nottingham volunteer , Sue , said , ‘ I may not have lost a lot in pounds but it 's great to know I can lose inches from parts I did n't think I could ever reduce . ’
6 You see , I would be teased a lot at school because I may not have been as quick as the others , but Bernard never joined in .
7 I may not have been the tallest , nor the most athletic — Mick Doyle reckoned I only ever jumped from my shoulders up — but what I did have was the most effective arse in world rugby ’ .
8 I may not have seen the race , but I 've had enough people describe both the race and Jackie 's driving to know what a result it was .
9 On her other flank , would the USSR ever say of China what Germany once said of Russia : today I can afford to go to war , tomorrow I may not have that luxury ?
10 I may not have liked some of the things I saw and heard , but remember I was present from choice .
11 I may not have understood everything I heard at the time , but later it all slotted into place .
12 I intend to travel extensively during the summer and I may not have the pleasure of meeting you .
13 I may have done , I may not have done .
14 I may not have much to bequeath , but I can not endure the thought of my loved ones squabbling over my best earrings .
15 At the end , I may not have looked much like her , but I felt like Brigitte Bardot .
16 I have n't contacted the police — yet — and if you co-operate I may not have to trouble them .
17 I may not have gone back to sleep but I lay awake grinning .
18 ‘ And if I may not have you permanently , then a little temporary use would satisfy me , I think . ’
19 I may not have shown it too well so far … ’
20 McCallan said : ‘ I may not have been in the game a lot until I got my goal , but that made it up for it . ’
21 Who knows if I may not have need of you by to-morrow ? ’
22 I may not have a lot to give but what I 've got I 'll give to you
23 erm I 'm conscious of the fact that I 've been going on for perhaps too long and I may not have said quite enough about Darwin , but let me just finish by saying this that it 's not possible today , I believe , to discuss any important problem in biology without Darwin 's thought being absolutely central to what you 're saying all the time .
24 She had at times , almost as if it were a comfort , at least something accustomed , run through the fruitless litany of remorse : I ought not to have tolerated his infidelities , I ought to have stopped it at the start , I have colluded with his depravity , it is all my fault .
25 I ought not to have done that .
26 Mr. Speaker : The Hon. Gentleman ought to know , and I ought not to have to keep repeating it , that this is a United Kingdom Parliament .
27 He said , ‘ I ought not to have tricked you like that .
28 I 'm not sorry , but I ought not have met you again .
29 ( ‘ I ought n't to have any , ’ said Fribble .
30 I must n't have been concentrating .
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