Example sentences of "[pers pn] [subord] my [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The book has taught me where my imagery was wrong .
2 I still had a formless feeling that she understood me where my mother did not .
3 I , I would n't say anything because I if my mum and dad find out I 'm dead .
4 I whether my mother could n't afford to buy me clothes to go .
5 Ger'off ! ) and the thought of returning to them once my Fiesta contract finished filled me with dread .
6 ‘ Right from the beginning I 'd felt it was more important to have a woman with me than my partner .
7 Eton , however , meant far more to me than my relationships with others , or the learning I acquired or the games I played .
8 A lot of people ask me if my hair is permed but it 's just naturally thick and curly .
9 I do all that the law requires of me if my actions comply with it .
10 I regret that I can not quote the Minister exactly , but I am sure that he will tell me if my paraphrase is inaccurate .
11 We 've been in touch with Stanford who will accept me if my lymphoma is of the right type .
12 In her letter she asked Gwenellen to ask me if my aunt had at last decided to put poor Old Red out of his misery ?
14 Neither of these stations are any use to me if my car is out of action , however , because I could not possibly walk to them .
15 You remember , how once in my self-unconfidence , I asked you to take care of me until my age settled into true understanding of love ?
16 And when I erm , first got them cos my granny got me some for a birthday present
17 ‘ I 'd like to have you as my apprentice but would your father be willing ? ’
18 But I have this niggling little doubt about whether I can get through a summer with you as my room-mate and have my sanity intact . ’
19 ‘ That 's OK , I can deal with it ; I 'm all for a good fight , especially with you as my opponent — it keeps life from being dull .
20 For I want you as my guide ,
21 ‘ With you as my guide I could suffer the fires of hell . ’
22 Before we before my mam had the house in Road that was just what you might sort of still call it .
23 Dinner parties are my dread but I go to them because my wife , Eileen , enjoys them .
24 I should not like to commit myself too closely to any one of them because my priority — in negotiating one must be clear about one 's priority — is to get rid of discrimination .
25 If I 'd have thought that Mrs Carrow would take it on herself to go down to the beach with little Celia that morning when one of my younger brothers came for me because my mum was ill , well I 'd never have gone , however much I was needed at home .
26 That 's not too troublesome for me because my wife has an account ( with a different bank ) , so I can sign my cheques over to her .
27 Nor do I expect you to believe me because my bearing is sincere and my words plausible .
28 Other teachers got it in for me because my brother went there before me …
29 Watching the kestrel was a great experience , but life was still very frustrating for me because my mother understandably would n't let me wander very far afield , and I was n't going to see my first real live wild owl in Colchester Park !
30 I would also be prepared to take up some responsibility in the popular government , It will be a less oppressed life , more tranquil , although perhaps at home there will only be me because my husband and my two sons have been murdered by the army and the others have gone to fight .
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