Example sentences of "[pers pn] [det] her [noun] " in BNC.

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1 No £1 , 000 and your mother might find herself supporting you all her life .
2 ‘ Then she told me all her hopes and fears and about her First Experience — I 'll say no more than that — but she remembered it vividly .
3 Kate had come across them all her working life , from the solicitors who tried to get off known offenders to the social workers who stood up in courts of law and gave character references for people who should have been locked up once and for all .
4 They all her clothes for her
5 She leaned on Craig 's shoulder as if she 'd known him all her life .
6 She muttered something about knowing him all her life , and he had n't got any money .
7 His father wrote a regular monthly letter and , after Frank had been at Rowden for two years , one of the letters told him that his grandmother Blanche Arbuthnot had died , and left him all her money and her house in Meath .
8 ‘ I do n't have a TV , ’ she said , doing her best to earn this very expensive dinner by giving him all her attention .
9 Somehow at the sight of him all her anger seemed to vanish like the wisps of smoke wreathing up the great chimney near by .
10 It was just as Joe had been telling her all her life .
11 ( Her aunts had been saying much the same kind of thing to her all her life , I believe . )
12 The memory of those twelve days of high summer and high Calvinism remained with her all her life , and was commemorated annually in her diary .
13 He may have known her all her life , but when the tits appeared he 'd had his tongue hanging out just like all the rest .
14 In addition , having had several days in which to think about it , she could see quite clearly how it had been responsible for the problems which had been harassing her all her life .
15 You have met the little beast for only half an hour and her father has known her all her life ! ’
16 His swiftly naked body was somehow beside her and over her , and then sharply , at first painfully , then joyfully within her , and she cried his name aloud with the voice of the woman that had been lying buried within her all her life .
17 She found it hard to understand how her parents could have deceived her all her life .
18 I 've known her all her life .
19 She realised she was being too serious , a problem that had plagued her all her life .
20 She felt her contribution to the discussion had been negligible ; it had taken her all her patience just to keep her temper .
21 Her beautiful mother who missed her so much and sent her all her love .
22 Hilda , he wrote , when I ventured to tell her all her troubles were her own fault : You are so cold .
23 But for John Knox , ‘ so she was sold to go to France , to the end that in her youth she should drink of that liquor ( the Catholic faith ) that should remain with her all her lifetime , for a plague to this realm and for her final destruction ’ .
24 She plunged into the crowds , who had turned out in their thousands to greet her , as though she had been doing it all her life .
25 Within a few days she had recovered enough to play practice chukkas , going straight into fast polo as though she 'd played it all her life .
26 Next day Balcha sent a force to escort my father to the town : my mother , who was pregnant and tired , remained in camp — and would regret it all her life .
27 You 'd think she 'd been doing it all her life .
28 But I should n't want her do it all her life !
29 She 's done it all her life and
30 But it was to cap it all her temp started today
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