Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb past] give [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The next morning I had to give in my notice at the bank — first to the manager at Fontanellato and then , in person , to my boss in Parma .
2 It was a little different from the age I had given to my employers !
3 Fortunately those of my friends who knew me before were only amused by this foolish description and there was no general resentment of my peerage , which could properly have been attributed to many services that I had given to the government — of both colours .
4 At first my reply was that which I had given to Macmillan .
5 As the days , weeks and months dragged on and the fine weather turned to biting snow , preventing builders or delivery vans from approaching Remaisnil , the frustrations for Laura and Bernard became at times overwhelming , One of the lowest moments for Laura was an interview she agreed to give to Susan Raven of the The Sunday Times , for ‘ A Life in the Day of ’ series .
6 The details recalled by Carol during the regression ( and which she continued to remember afterwards ) tallied precisely with those she had given to the police on the night the rape had occurred .
7 Thus , Barker ( 1984 ) , in her study of the Moonies , gave a questionnaire similar to that which she had given to the Moonies to a group of people who were matched with the Moonies with respect to sex , age , and background .
8 Several of them she had given to Scarlet , stipulating that she must pluck and draw them herself .
9 For all the thought that she had given to his ordinary life , Johnny could have been a milkman , for all she cared , or an Insurance broker working in the City , whose daily brush with danger was in trying to cross the road .
10 June Bascombe having given her report as Society Chairman thanked Kay Evans for the invaluable support she had given to the Society for so many years and presented her with a book token .
11 Addressing the Boys ' Brigade that very Sunday , the Rev. Johnston McKay told them of the lady who , surprised by the sum raised for the clock she had given to be sold for church funds , exclaimed that she did not know she had so much to give .
12 I remember Chung telling me of the performance she had given with Tennstedt some years ago , a special experience for her , and this subsequent occasion resulted in a collaboration comparably searching and intense .
13 It is right to say that I have heard from Mrs Paul 's classroom assistant during the last academic year , she appears virtually to have acted as an enabler , but she was by no means dedicated to Paul as a one to one enabler and of course the extent of the attention of which she had to give to Paul detracted from her ability to give attention to other pupils .
14 It also allows you to start a newness within your mind which was hitherto filled with the pain of loss and the pain of the control you had given to another to live your life .
15 I mean we had given to us our friends , mad on radios
16 Thus , when we think of a person , the impression we give to him and the one we wanted to give to him and what we really think of him , and what we say to other people about him are all exactly the same .
17 Employers agreed to pay on December 1st nearly the full wage hike they promised to give on April 1st .
18 Belief in evolution , as a cosmic guarantee of progress , was a part of this scientism ; but the physical sciences were just as important , because of the support they seemed to give to a reductionist philosophy .
19 So eventually the they had to give in in the end .
20 The couple wanted to thank friends and relatives for the ‘ tremendous support they had given during a pretty rough time ’ .
21 They accused him of altering the figures on receipts for money they had given for the release of prisoners , handing over a smaller sum to creditors and pocketing the difference ; charging prisoners for candles ; taking £5 out of the Poor Box to free a prisoner ; lending them money on their plate and watches which belonged to their creditors .
22 It was clear that the responses they had given to the respective campaign teams were not necessarily accurate .
23 The children gave the same simple obedience as they had given to the men with the megaphones . ’
24 We also asked General Robertson what definition he proposed to give to " Chetniks " and he was very vague on this point .
25 Kirk had then asked Robertson " what definition he proposed to give to Chetniks " .
26 It is perhaps not surprising therefore that , when Kirk asked Robertson " what definition he proposed to give to Chetniks " Robertson was " very vague on this point " .
27 The third portrait he promised to give to Madame Zborowska in gratitude for acting as a model .
28 It is admitted that there was er such a letter and er on this occasion er Miss evidence is that having heard that the landlords consent for the assignment still had n't been obtained , asked Mr again whether it was possible in view of that , er to withdraw from the contract and er it is case that again Mr repeated the advice he 'd given to Mr two days earlier and told her that it was not possible and that again is denied .
29 He noted given unto a Newlands man who came to look at the supposed Wad Mine at Conistone 5s . "
30 Some of the interviews he began to give to journalists are the equivalent of psychoanalysis — in which , of course , he expressed no confidence .
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