Example sentences of "[pers pn] [vb past] [pron] could " in BNC.

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1 I realized he could not catch them , because they had nearly got to the ship , but I did not wait to see the end of that adventure .
2 So I realized I could do an act based on what it is like to be me .
3 I realized I could never become well-educated just by attending old Mrs Wopsle 's evening school , so I asked Mr Wopsle 's cousin Biddy to teach me everything she knew .
4 ‘ Even while I was speaking I realised I could well turn the tables with that .
5 I realised I could influence the situation by saving resources and helping to keep the environment as clean as possible . ’
6 I 'd barely finished my prawn cocktail before I realised I could fall for him . ’
7 I realised I could no longer pussyfoot around !
8 Anyway , I realised I could never find that awful wool in that dreadful dirty mustard colour .
9 I wanted to touch her and make her better but I realised I could n't do that .
10 I realised I could help myself and did n't have to be this fat , unhappy child , ’ she says .
11 I was sure I could cope but the CF clinic people had all gone home by the time I realised I could n't manage — ’
12 I realised I could race them keeping them and me fit .
13 It was n't till the evening when we sat down and talked about it that I realised it could have been quite dangerous .
14 There 'd been some snow , and erm er he was n't well , and could I if I cared I could look for a work elsewhere , as i it was just impossible for him to pay wages , you see ?
15 If I strained I could see the world as others did , stereoscopically , but if I relaxed binocular vision would ensue , and while one ‘ eye ’ would remain focused , the other would slide away into the clouded periphery where The Fat Controller and his machinations held sway .
16 Whenever Mackie was n't actively helping Tremayne she stayed close also to Fiona , and although I tried I could n't dislodge the underlying anxiety in their eyes .
17 ‘ No matter how hard I tried I could never reach your standards .
18 He made me a fair offer in the circumstances and I even picked up another two pounds from one of the street traders for Charlie 's huge barrow ; but hard though I tried I could n't find a buyer for Granpa Charlie 's dreadful old nineteenth-century relic .
19 When I got rid of fear I found we could make friends .
20 The one I selected guaranteed 10 minutes of power backup , but I found it could run for over 20 minutes before it signalled that it was out of storage capacity .
21 But I found I could communicate better with men .
22 I found I could force the steering wheel a quarter of a turn and flex all sorts of things , like the casting for the gearbox mounting . ’
23 I decided to approach the Mental Health Unit and once I 'd started visiting there , I found I could work every hour of every day .
24 I found I could n't do the tarot readings anymore .
25 It was difficult to make sure I had taken the right things but not too much and I found I could have done with less .
26 But I found I could just sit down and play by ear .
27 In the end I found I could n't even live in it . ’
28 Eventually , I found I could hang the slide on my index finger and doodle around that way .
29 I found I could not afford it so I pulled out , ’ he said .
30 Having lost my own job , I found I could relate to everything in this honest and moving article .
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