Example sentences of "[pers pn] [pers pn] are [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Convince them you are worth a look and , almost out of the blue , you might end up with 300 words in Kerrang or Echoes or the NME .
2 ‘ May I remind you you are on watch ?
3 Full stop you think you make sure I mean you you are in control of the words .
4 and with us oh God and according to you we are to one church a church which opens doors and large windows a church which takes the world seriously ready to work and to suffer and even to for it and we follow and witness to him who is the saviour of the world Jesus Christ our Lord amen .
5 ‘ I came , sir , to tell you we are of the same family as you . ’
6 With a timetable to them we are in the best place to do it now cause we 're still learning we have only done three jobs , four now have n't we ? erm the Kathy procedure is definitely needed .
7 We we are from Wales and I would like to say that all the Welsh representatives were at one .
8 They are supporting several other different users , but clearly if the five hundred pound , which they were anticipating , does n't come to them they are in grave financial difficulties again .
9 But they they are for for teachers under the age of sixty .
10 We heard what Mr er Davis had to say this morning , and at at one point was very very important , we are expecting to be in possession of reports on the greenbelt local enquiry and your report er round about the same time , and indeed since they they are in control of proceedings thereafter they are in a position to make sure that they do n't have to reach decisions on one until they are in possession of the other .
11 In order to achieve this position , your bowman must know where the line is and how far away from it you are at any given moment .
12 I take it you are in need . ’
13 and erm I just think that women are so strong and , and another thing that I find er that is very important , is perhaps there 's women here we should look at why there 's only one female prison in Scotland and about fourteen male lot and including young offenders institutions and er , I mean what is it we are as agenda er just less criminally minded , more controlled , more clever , what , you know we should be teaching men .
14 Through it we are in fact a governing body of sport , as for example , the F.A .
15 When we have allowed this state to dominate us we are in the state of apathy .
16 Some of these issues set off fewer alarm bells today and perhaps for most of us they are of less social concern .
17 ‘ But if members tell us they are in dire straits , without a job , gone bankrupt , and the wife 's run off with the milkman , then we will move heaven and earth to help them .
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