Example sentences of "[pers pn] [adv] and [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The children were taken into care in mid-1987 because of their parents ' inability to look after them properly and following suspicions of sexual abuse against the girl .
2 Declaring variables as local , creates them locally and initialises them to zero/null .
3 Pupils should be encouraged to formulate first the questions they need to answer by using such sources , so that they use them effectively and do not simply copy verbatim ;
4 Thank them politely and choose someone else .
5 Sat there through the night , closing my eyes at times , then opening them slowly and allowing the glass to impose itself .
6 My mother glared at me suspiciously and told me not be so ridiculous .
7 He thanked me politely and returned to his prying , looking in all the drawers , flicking through files even as he was drinking his tea .
8 She had indeed once worked for a silversmith but had discovered that it was much easier to buy beads and acquire old pieces of jewellery , rearrange them artistically and sell them on market stalls throughout the country .
9 It also criticized the Department of Transport ( DTp ) for not applying them vigorously and called on the department to widen the scope of inspections and review methods of enforcement .
10 Ryan he says it 's foolish , cards , he says mum when you just , you just put them somewhere and forget where you put them , so he says I 've decided to buy you oh this looks a lovely one
11 He concluded his examination by turning to me suddenly and saying : ‘ I feel you are going to write this book one day . ’
12 Well erm if I 'm crystal ball gazing , I would hope that all the women in this country , whatever their colour and whatever their class , would have access to first-class provision for their young children , so that if they wished to work they could actually work in jobs that paid them enough and gave them job satisfaction .
13 Yet his subjects had a right of resistance , of rebellion against him , if he failed to rule them justly and to give them due protection .
14 Treat them gently and make sure none of them are broken or there 'll be trouble . ’
15 He motioned them inside and left them .
16 There did n't seem anything else to do except take them inside and put them in water .
17 Sometimes when the little ones were weakly or had been abandoned by their mothers , we would have to take them inside and feed them by hand .
18 With help from a tutor I finally put them together and fitted them into the cubic box I was given .
19 A good direct mail programme will hold them together and bring their response .
20 Double positives are taken away making it negative and your H positives go in here , making it positive , so you get a you get a little a little potential difference , a little difference in voltage , which gives a Any any two metals if you put them together and make them a bit damp , or even if you do n't make them damp , you usually get a little a tiny voltage .
21 Yeah , oh we erm , bits of paper with patterns on them , like stain glass windows and the colouring , we colour them in and we stick them together and make a lantern
22 And we had that one back and nailed them together and sold them again .
23 Anyone who has seen the martins and swallows in September , assembling on the telephone wires , twittering , making short flights singly and in groups over the open , stubbly fields , returning to form longer and even longer lines above the yellowing verges of the lanes — the hundreds of individual birds merging and blending , in a mounting excitement , into swarms , and these swarms coming loosely and untidily together to create a great , unorganized flock , thick at the centre and ragged at the edges , which breaks and re-forms continually like clouds or waves — until that moment when the greater part ( but not all ) of them know that the time has come : they are off and have begun once more that great southward flight which many will not survive ; anyone seeing this has seen at work the current that flows ( among creatures who think of themselves primarily as part of a group and only secondarily , if at all , as individuals ) to fuse them together and impel them into action without conscious thought or will : has seen at work the angel which drove the First Crusade into Antioch and drives the lemmings into the sea .
24 Wrap them together and wind them in and you 'll run the risk of abrasion .
25 Take some of the favourite things that your child likes , mix them together and serve from a warm pot with a ladle .
26 The best is to obtain juveniles from a number of sources , rear them together and let nature take its course .
27 The principle which animates these planes — holds them together and establishes communication between them — can be visualized as the life force or vital force , the Prana of the Hindus , or the Ch'i energy of the Chinese , that elusive something which departs at death .
28 ‘ Jesus called them together and said , ‘ You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them , and their high officials exercise authority over them .
29 Now you can , those are both the same sides so you 're gon na en add them together and give it the sign that is common to both .
30 They took the same tube into work but walked apart on the final stretch to the office in case anyone saw them together and jumped to the right conclusion .
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