Example sentences of "[pers pn] [adv] because i " in BNC.

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1 My hon. Friend 's remarks about a single currency alarm me greatly because I much admire his intellect , not to mention the fluency of his speech .
2 Agnes turned away from her sister and there was a sad note in her voice as she said , ‘ He cares for me merely because I 'm useful to him , that 's all .
3 Mum takes me only because I mentioned to her that my periods have stopped .
4 Or perhaps — such a suggestion rises in me only because I have lain next to the contagious soul of Gustave himself — did he gather it elsewhere ?
5 Can I please because I have to be off in a few minutes .
6 At least the manager did n't pounce on me just because I shut my eyes for a few moments . ’
7 The Council of Ten in Venice have sent three assassins against me just because I borrowed some of their gold and forgot to repay it .
8 You leave me just because I 'm eating an egg sandwich !
9 I lifted them early because I did n't want to leave them any longer because they were going to get damaged and they were , they were a wet potato when they came up and they 've cooked wet , so I think that the amount of rainfall you have has a lot to do with it .
10 I do n't know what the drink was — brandy or whisky — I had that much , I had it twice , so that the lads had to see me home because I was more or less drunk .
11 I think Shakespeare appeals to me more because I can understand it .
12 Well I 'll see you tonight because I know granny
13 He put out his hand towards her now but did n't touch her , saying , ‘ Do n't faint ; it wo n't help you any because I 'll only revive you with a jug of cold water and make you listen to the finish .
14 ‘ I 'd telephoned you purely because I had a need to hear the sound of your voice and what do I get for giving in to such weakness ?
15 Right let me stop you there because I think you 've got maybe the wrong end of the stick .
16 Right well I 'm going home without you then because I ca n't put I ca n't there 's no way I can push this buggy with you walking on my toes Bryony .
17 I drive you hard because I drive myself hard , Bob . ’
18 I ca n't fall in love with you again because I 've never been out of love with you ! ’
19 If they had any ideas about bursting into tune they had to abandon them temporarily because I do n't think any of them had breath to blow .
20 I would do them later because I tell you what happens then , there will be a ch , there may well be a choice in two columns , I do n't know if that
21 I have selected them partly because I was involved in their investigation , but also because it is a relatively simple system that does happen to illustrate these two concepts rather nicely .
22 T : I 've got a lot more respect for them now because I met one of them at a party once and he told me they 're going to be bigger than The Beatles — in all seriousness .
23 This seems strange to me now because I feel sure that if I had been presented with the image of the glass coffin when I was well into the depressive phase of anorexia , I should have recognised it instantly .
24 You feel sorry for me now because I 'm ill .
25 And the , several times I 've bought picture of them particularly because I have n't had to pay the postage ,
26 He had all three and felt that at last the play was under way : this was why he had struck north ; this was why he had learned his part ( and God bless Major General Lake of Dumfries and God keep him there ) ; this was his great opportunity and ‘ O Lord , ’ he prayed to himself , ‘ if it is true that You have love even for the worst of Your sinners and let Your Son welcome into Paradise the thief on the cross who by a single act redeemed a life of evil , then remember me at Hause Point , remember how I tried to obey Your will and how I saved that innocent young girl and help me here because I swear , if I succeed in my intention here , I will lead a life of charity and Christian duty to the end .
27 I see erm it also misheard me here because I 'm involved in designing a television series as well on the construction industry also gives me some interesting data about the industry was it ten per cent of the nation 's workforce works for the construction industry which in an average year will turn over thirty five billion pounds
28 Right would you take them to the kitchen for me please because I 'm putting these bits away
29 Mr but like I pretended I had to go and see him not because I had to go and see him just because I did n't wan na go to assembly really !
30 She was so obviously upset by the break-up that I asked her out to lunch to cheer her up , and I asked her home because I thought my mother and sister might help her .
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