Example sentences of "[pers pn] [adv] did [subord] " in BNC.

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1 I suppose , too , that I felt guilty : if I had behaved like a properly loving wife and refused to let Flora monopolize Richard so blatantly — which I only did because I was enjoying Adam 's company — the situation might not have arisen .
2 ‘ I never felt that Jesus was a friend and I do n't think that I really ever loved him before this half but now he seems always near to me and I like to think of Him more than I ever did before Mama 's dying so suddenly and unexpectedly made a great impression on me … ’
3 I enjoy going out to buy something , having saved up for it , far more than I ever did when my favourite phrase was ‘ charge it , please ’ .
4 Here in America I perform a lot in Las Vegas and Atlantic City and I probably make more money today than I ever did when I was selling a lot of records as a teenage idol .
5 Then , as I often did when I was alone at sea , I began to recite Shakespeare .
6 When I listened though , as I often did when my curiosity over-ran my actions , he was different from the rest .
7 Well there were one or two that was a bit , got on their high horse , you know and say , It 's disgusting and that , but er I never did because er in cases like that I think there but for the grace of God , you know I I would n't condemn people , in those , we were living in very abnormal times you see .
8 Already in his first novel , Boccalone ( 1979 ) , widely recognized as the best to come out of the youth movement of the late 1970s , Palandri had shown an extraordinary ability to create sufficient space for his characters , ‘ enrico ’ and ‘ anna ’ and their friends , to speak for themselves without being overwhelmed by the surrounding clutter or by the pretensions of ‘ literature ’ , pretensions from which the narrator keeps his distance : ‘ I do n't want to make big speeches , I never did when I was with anna and I was better off ; I just want to recount incidents and let the rest come out of that , if there actually is anything ’ ( Palandri 1979 : 124 ) .
9 He heard her sigh deeply , the way she always did when he let her down in some way .
10 Nanny huffed the way she always did when she was annoyed at something .
11 When he asked , what did she mean , ‘ taunting ’ , she resorted , as she always did when they argued , to silence .
12 She became assertive-in-spite-of-herself , and marching rapidly from one end of the kitchen to the other , which she always did when entrusting him with a home truth , said , ‘ It 's not , Henry .
13 She stood in the doorway with her hand on her hip as she always did when she was angry .
14 She stood in the doorway with her hand on her hip as she always did when she was angry .
15 Then Mum changed her tone , as she always did when she wanted to wheedle something out of somebody .
16 She began to pray to God herself , seeing God quite clearly , as she always did when she said prayers , a robed , long-haired , bearded figure , partly obscured by clouds .
17 She was biting her thumb , which she always did when she was concentrating .
18 Nutty thought she was on to a good idea and went home happily , taking over from her mother in the shop as she usually did while her mother started to get the tea .
19 When she breast-fed him , which she still did though he was now a year old , the comfort of it made her weep and in weeping she felt happier .
20 ‘ That would be the stupidest thing you ever did because he 'll fight you for your child and he 'll win . ’
21 All her own passion had died out of her : she felt deflated ; she had the desire to laugh , and she almost did as she said , ‘ Yes , I know what I want at this moment and that 's something to eat and then to get downstairs again , because , you know , it 's Father 's night for the club . ’
22 She hurriedly did as she was instructed , stretching her body right over the wooden top of the desk to grip the far edge .
23 that would be the class and yet they all did cos George and I insisted !
24 His two thumbs rotated about one another as they always did when he was agitated and looking for a way to strike .
25 His legs were beginning to get twitchy and fidgety , the way they always did when it was particularly important for him to keep them under control .
26 She broke off abruptly , as they always did when they felt themselves nearing the forbidden topic .
27 He looked at her with new respect , the way they always did when she said something like that .
28 They were sitting as they always did when her father was home , in the large airy dining room which looked out on the stone patio where in the summer clematis bloomed white and purple .
29 Of course , he had known they would use the Microwave Gun on him ; they always did when he was up in front of somebody , whenever he was at a disadvantage anyway and needed all the help he could get , whenever he was going for an interview for a job , or being asked things by the Social security people or even clerks in the Post Office .
30 The night before the wedding the girls hardly slept at all and they did not chatter to one another as they usually did until they found sleep .
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