Example sentences of "[pers pn] [adv] have [adj] " in BNC.

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1 As for the class of goods , where commercial goods are concerned the party acquiring them presumably has some expertise in relation to them which gives him the capability to assess their quality or to understand if he needs to call in an expert assessor , so that less protection should be required in this case .
2 Although horses do have many emotions , the belief in them only having two is also frequently demonstrated by conventional horse photography and in the show ring .
3 Well the City in fact has twenty one Community Centres , most of which have bars , some of them only have small bars that open maybe once a week , others have very large bars , and especially the ones with the larger bars I think are willing to take on such a project .
4 I personally have much to be grateful for to those linguists who have gone on ahead and erected signposts , and I hope the examples I have used today illustrate my conviction that , notwithstanding its theoretical manoeuverings and terminological idiosyncrasies , an awareness of the questions and findings of linguistic research can help turn our language study into what it should be , a voyage of discovery .
5 We made a start today with the notion that seems to me most central to our inquiry — the one with which , as it happens , I personally have most difficulty .
6 As chairman of this group , I obviously have financial people , accountants , treasury people , lawyers , personnel people , property people and so on who all make part of a team .
7 I only had four laps practice so I suppose I did all right finishing sixth .
8 I borrowed fifty P off her the oth , I was going up the school , and I only had four fifty for the I needed fifty P but I did n't have enough change like .
9 Mines ‘ ANTISCUM UNITED ’ … well , I only had 5 mins to think one up … : -p
10 I only had that one drink .
11 I mean , I only had that one on my neck and I thought and like I was I was !
12 The Sabena flight out left Edinburgh well over an hour late , so I only had fifteen minutes or so for my Naples transfer at Brussels .
13 I only had six tablets . ’
14 that 's what I said to mum , you know , that 's why I so wanted to pass me , me test , cos I said to mum erm , see I kept it , I only had six hundred quid redundancy , six hundred and twenty eight pounds , that 's all I had , apart , I had me wages what was owed and me holiday pay , but my , me actual redundancy cheque was only six hundred and twenty eight quid
15 I only had two .
16 When we got outside I said I could n't very well offer him one I only had two left in the packet
17 I only had two .
18 I only had two !
19 I only had two kings !
20 Cos I wanted three hands and I only had two .
21 I only had two left .
22 I suddenly felt an immense relief that I only had one more charter to complete for Cutwater , and that I would then be free of these men .
23 And I only had one scene with him .
24 I I I only had one one illness in my life until last year .
25 I only had one stillbirth .
26 and had narked and sparked at my comment I only had one decentish pair of black shoes for meetings and/or interviews and I have remedied that now back here using X 's advanced ( if a little critical ) birthday money .
27 When I went to the bus I realised I only had one bag instead of two so I rushed back but no-one had seen the bag in the pub or the shops .
28 I mean I only had one bad knee but then this time I got two .
29 I was like one , I was like half way through the tape and I had , I only had one name to go
30 I only had one candidate round
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