Example sentences of "[pers pn] [adv] [vb base] like " in BNC.

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1 No that , I I just walk like that Sir , they 're suede , they 're a special way of walking .
2 God , when things like that happen I just feel like shouting I Want To Work in a very loud voice .
3 I just feel like leaping around and celebrating , I 'm so happy !
4 Think it 's used to you in that I do n't know what , I do n't tell Ron , well he knows how I felt cos I said course I 'm , god he said , is that a performance , he said I have n't sat on your knee for ages , I said no I just feel like it , before we went out and er , I said well I do n't think there 's anything the matter do you , I said with him back there saying make sure Mr Hudson has the notes , and he said no , he said , he said he would n't leave it seven months he said
5 On school days I just feel like sleeping !
6 No I just sound like a bloke .
7 ‘ If I ever get like that about a football match I 'll shoot myself .
8 ‘ YES , I was fired up — I always get like that when I 've had a bit of stick and I have had a lot of stick lately . ’
9 I always sound like that .
10 ‘ No , I always look like this .
11 I always feel like saying , ‘ Look , it 's OK , I 'll come back in a couple of weeks . ’
12 Whenever I read such a remark , I always feel like writing " Speak for yourself " in the margin .
13 I still feel like a newcomer .
14 I hardly feel like replying to your letter since No-one ( especially Velda ) likes to be called ‘ a slut ’ .
15 And I really feel like going back putting my feet up and chatting to you a bit more because we have n't chatted enough have we ?
16 No , but I really feel like going back and putting my feet up and chatting to you a bit more , cos we have n't chatted enough have we ?
17 I often feel like that at five o'clock in the morning , ’ said Wilcox .
18 I often feel like his mother or his ‘ chum ’ , but I do n't feel like his partner and our sex life has ground to a halt .
19 yeah I sometimes go like that
20 I sometimes go like that
21 I sometimes feel like running away from it all
22 " But to tell you the truth , I sometimes feel like clearing out of this warren altogether .
23 I sometimes feel like it .
24 I pray I never become like him , needing to control her .
25 I always read those pining paragraphs in the back of magazines , though I never feel like replying ; and I 've just realised why .
26 I certainly feel like celebrat ing my painting at the moment — I have n't done any for weeks .
27 ‘ Sometimes , ’ said Bernard , ‘ I too feel like going to a hotel somewhere and looking out over a blue Mediterranean sea .
28 Oh is this bit okay erm you do that and then you just put like
29 No you just go like this
30 You just go like this .
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