Example sentences of "[pers pn] [adv] [adj] that " in BNC.

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1 since he came to our Lordships House with some very and has had to sit this thing ever since then with one exception er to speeches deeply and seriously critical er of the proposals er coming from Members of your Lordships House mostly with vast experience of the subject matter former Secretary 's er er former Chief Constable er and er so many others and I arise only to put one point to you if my Noble Friend decides to resist these amendments , it seems to me I may be wrong but it seems to me overwhelmingly clear that they will be carrying against him and they will be put into the Bill which will be very considerably altered and amended , some of your Lordships may think improved , but certainly drastically altered and I wonder whether er my Noble Friend thinks that really would be helpful from the point of view either of the pr future progress of the Bill , or the position of the Government .
2 Given that its hero 's fatal handicap was the size of his nose , it seemed to me most tactless that there should be a ‘ pneumological ’ institute named after him in Cambo , when the last thing he can have suffered from was breathing problems .
3 Commenting on our current series on education , he said ‘ I think that the series is an excellent idea ’ , but he then went on to say ‘ It does seem to me rather odd that such a series should have such a heavy university representation and so little input from the teachers ’ .
4 It has always seemed to me rather sad that almost any move from beat duty is regarded as a promotion .
5 That took an hour , and made me so tired that I was able to lie down and go to sleep .
6 ‘ Crilly , ’ I say as we lie together , ‘ when the nurse gave me the anaesthetic , she jabbed me so deep that I could feel it throbbing in my veins like an explosion , and it hurt like anything .
7 ‘ It 's been with me so long that I forget it 's there , but it can be a bit off-putting to strangers . ’
8 Does she think me so stupid that I do n't know they do that ?
9 The extraordinary atmosphere was keeping me so sky-high that my private feelings for John seemed to have detached themselves and slipped out of reach .
10 This seemed to me so true that I could n't imagine why it was not universally acknowledged .
11 Thinking of him again made me so wretched that on my way back into the department I did not even notice the owner of the hand that held open the door for me , until I chanced to notice Dr Jones watching from outside his office .
12 I was surrounded by a crowd of shouting , gesticulating Malts , who pulled at my parachute , lifted my head and drove me so furious that I had to give up the dying idea in order to concentrate completely on kicking every Malt who came within range .
13 ‘ All these chores are making me so hungry that it is , as I said before , only fair that you feed me properly in order to keep me going . ’
14 If private capital can be attracted — and I believe it could to the right project — it seems to me entirely right that we should do what we can as Government to create the right climate for a successful link to be built .
15 The present squeeze on resources of all kinds in CMEA economies has made them so taut that the short-term consequences of market-orientated measures ( inflation , unemployment ) are bound to be sharp and widespread .
16 By the time Roger had recorded from sixteen birds , he told me he thought he could detect regular differences between them so large that he could assign them to the two groups even without being given the code .
17 We males naturally reject the idea that we 're not at all times ready to cream anything that moves as a monstrous slander on our virility , while women certainly do n't want to think that creatures whose sexual urges are so undiscriminating that they have been known to rape grannies and animals and even corpses , for God 's sake , could possibly find them so unattractive that they need to simulate orgasm .
18 With luck , their homes would not be burgled and any disputes that might subsequently arise over their property would be swiftly resolved on production of those impressive-looking deeds , some of them so old that they bore the colophon of the Sublime Porte .
19 The walls had long ago disappeared under a solid mass of posters and playbills , some of them so old that they 'd faded completely .
20 What made them so unpopular that they are n't even commemorated in a country name .
21 It seems to me highly likely that the killer had locked himself in and that he got away during that fifteen minutes . ’
22 Well I rather gathered that because erm erm I I actually run a German band a Bavarian band
23 I all conscious that the most important thing is to be encouraging , to stimulate rather than to regulate .
24 I N recent years it has become I increasingly obvious that I councils prepared to ‘ deal ’ with the private sector in this way will be ‘ rewarded ’ .
25 I shall enjoy it and I , I very touched that they
26 The experience made me deeply grateful that nothing of the same kind , at least with current technology , can be deduced from prose .
27 We have all heard of the addiction caused by long-term taking of tranquillisers but did you realise that the effect of sleeping pills can last well into the following day and many antihistamines ( commonly taken to relieve colds or allergies ) can make you so drowsy that you should not drive for some hours after taking them ?
28 Are you so inviolable that no man might dare to venture near ? ’
29 Now I want you to tell me the important part — why the hell are you so desperate that you 'll go to this extent in order to get your hands on the bequest ?
30 Then : ‘ Do n't think I 'm prying , but why are you so certain that Coleby 's prepared to raise his offer ? ’
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