Example sentences of "[pers pn] [prep] be of " in BNC.

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1 Much of this , especially the nature poetry , seems to me to be of high literary quality .
2 GLIDEWELL L.J. , having reviewed the authorities , concluding with Pao On v. Lau Yiu , continued : It is true that Pao On v. Lau Yiu is a case of a tripartite relationship , that is , a promise by A to perform a pre-existing contractual obligation owed to B , in retum for a promise of payment by C. But Lord Scarman 's words seem to me to be of general application , equally applicable to a promise made by one of the original two parties to a contract .
3 Therefore , informing consciences on the evil social consequences of divorce was seen by them to be of a similar standing to informing the consciences of catholic lay people on the sanctity and indissolubility of Christian marriage .
4 The mind puts together certain things and deems them to be of the same kind .
5 In Egypt , Lords Cromer and Milner , enthroned in marble halls and surrounded by British soldiers , thought of themselves as playing , with the utmost discretion , an exceptionally difficult lone hand ; they delighted in the formal restrictions placed on British power , though everyone in Egypt knew them to be of no practical consequence .
6 Twenty-three per cent of them thought that ‘ they could possibly be of some use with certain reservations ’ and 27 per cent of them considered them to be of no use at all .
7 There is a suspicion amongst the European aviation community that the US authorities and , to a slightly lesser extent , the US manufacturers either do not bother to take proper account of the findings and recommendations made by investigating authorities outside the USA or else consider them to be of little or no importance .
8 Several of the nearer birds got up and flew along the shore , revealing another feature which pin-pointed their origins : the lack of a white rump showed them to be of the race hudsonicus which breeds in northern Canada .
9 If temporary workers are to be brought in , they will press for them to be of the latter category .
10 The genera Ophialcaea and Ophiotreta were treated as subgenera of Ophiacantha by Mortensen ( 1936 ) and Fell ( 1960 ) , but H. L. Clark ( 1915 ) and Koehler ( 1922 , 1931 ) considered them to be of generic rank , a treatment followed here pending future study on the generic boundaries in this subfamily .
11 It was the nature of the place , he thought , perched up there on its remote peak , its back turned to the world , all the more obsessed with its petty intrigues and scandals because it knew them to be of no interest whatever to anyone else .
12 Individual modules are ordered to follow a specific process model by defining them to be of a particular subtype .
13 It is the duty of the trustee to report to the committee all such matters as appear to him or as the committee have indicated to him to be of concern to them with respect to the administration of the estate ( r 6.152(1) ) .
14 ‘ Once is enough for him to be of use .
15 He put McMartin on probation for 18 months and deferred sentence on the 15-year-old for a year , warning him to be of good behaviour .
16 Pete is a bony Londoner with a sallow but healthy skin and clean floppy fair hair , Ellie an attractive girl in her early twenties , her light greenish hazel almond-shaped eyes showing her to be of mixed blood .
17 Rigorists rejected compromise : they would surrender nothing and understood it to be of the essence of their Christian allegiance that every Lord 's day they would unfailingly celebrate the eucharist .
18 Supporters of the free movement of capital believe it to be of benefit to all countries , as a means of creating a dynamic market structure and determining the optimal use of resources .
19 ‘ My feeling was that if this was the last thing I was going to do , I wanted it to be of some value .
20 I may be a little biased about this one , but I now consider it to be of a very high standard .
21 It consists of a record of all the things you do in a day and , in order for it to be of value , you need to log every activity you are engaged in for at least one week , if not for two .
22 This was the old slug 's vicious inheritance , Carson thought bitterly , to dump the money on me before I 'd had a chance to learn how to fight for it or to handle it and too late for it to be of any real use .
23 Elitism has to mean more than this — even in its modern , broader sense — for it to be of analytical use , so modern elite theory has tended to argue for a plurality of elites which may interact or compete in a variety of ways .
24 For these reasons the Department considers it to be of the utmost importance that the form is used in all of the appropriate circumstances and clearly it will help if it can be completed right after the incident has taken place .
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