Example sentences of "[pers pn] [prep] say [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The language helper is the expert on his/her language do not rebuke him/her for saying something different from the day before — there must be a reason ( if you were right in your observation ) .
2 ‘ I do n't know what this is all about , but you ca n't bully me into saying anything ! ’
3 Whether he guessed what I was likely to say I do n't know , but he spoke with a sudden rush as if to prevent me from saying something that we would both have to accept and talk about .
4 Polidori came down to supper and sat next to me without saying anything .
5 He accepted this he was too young to do anything else — but he hated her for saying it .
6 She sensed his waiting for her confidence , but knew he would never pressure her into saying anything she would rather not .
7 It tries to deduce what , if anything , the author has to say , and then nags him into saying it clearly .
8 Robin Leigh-Pemberton told a Commons committee that banking laws prevented him from saying anything about the case of the Fayed brothers , the owners of Harrods , strongly criticised by official inspectors for their behaviour in acquiring the store in 1985 .
9 Jane realised her desperation had led her to saying something foolish .
10 Tom looked at him without saying anything .
11 Houston police are trying to find a man who has succeeded in getting teenage girls to pose nude for him by saying they will appear in a music video for NEW KIDS ON THE BLOCK .
12 Andrew Richens was 17 when he stabbed William Choi , who he claimed had boasted of having sex with his girlfriend and had taunted him by saying she had probably never had a real man before .
13 Luke 's arms came round her as if she had summoned him by saying his name , and she could n't continue .
14 Sean always had his wits about him and had tried to placate him by saying there was nothing they were doing at Rafferty 's Bar that would offend a brother , or would concern a policeman .
15 I made it easier for him by saying I was n't tired , I wanted to stay up and star-gaze , and anyway the sofa in the living area was very comfortable .
16 Then he disappointed her by saying he was checking whether it was possible for someone to go in and out unobserved , and how crowded it would be at that time of day .
17 The girl , who can not be named , told police that her stepfather had taunted her by saying he fantasised about her lying dead in a ditch , said prosecutor Robin Spencer , at Chester Crown Court .
18 I would say : if you want to talk of my thinking it in such circumstances then the least misleading thing to say is that I think it in saying it .
19 Took it without saying anything .
20 If we met someone who held this view he might justify it by saying something like : ‘ I prefer travelling by motor car from Oxford to Westminster , let's say , or from — ’ Where do you live ?
21 Mrs er has er actually said that we should be getting some more money and then she spoilt it by saying we should be using the money we have n't got more er better use it and er maybe knocking the traffic li er islands out will save us a problem cos we 'll get a few kids knocked down and we wo n't have to bother with em .
22 If you rationalise it by saying I do n't want a row because I 've got so much on my plate , it usually bounces back at you , often in an amplified form .
23 She admired his courage in clouting the skinhead but he spoilt it by saying it had been instinctive and now he wished he had n't .
24 Kate could n't even justify it by saying it was a boy Lizzy loved , whom her daughter had been with for a long time and so sex was a natural progression .
25 I think he might maybe he does n't do it like that , maybe he does it by saying it by God bless at the end of his broadcast , or appearing in the Gulf with a polo necked jumper .
26 ‘ I hate cocaine , ’ he said finally , and he surprised me by saying it for the Maggot had always struck me as one of life 's rebels .
27 After you 'd totally devastated me by saying you did n't find me remotely attractive , I was left racking my brains to think of a way to change your mind .
28 And , however bad their crimes against us were , they always justified them by saying ours were worse .
29 I try to encourage them by saying it is my material they are using , which sometimes makes the person more nervous !
30 " Your anthropologists laugh at us for saying we came from the stars .
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