Example sentences of "[pers pn] [prep] it and " in BNC.

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1 I went to the doctor on the Saturday and he said it was gastroenteritis and prescribed tablets for me for it and told me just to keep up my fluids so I did n't get dehydrated .
2 Talk to them about it and make sure that they understand the purpose of techniques like silent viewing and prediction .
3 Well , I finally got Miguel to talk to them about it and it turns out the reason there are n't any old folk around is because they do n't live much longer than about 35 .
4 Well I have I did n't because I said that I would just tell them about it and then I would speak again this month and see what er , they say .
5 I recently had some bad news and everyone helped me through it and gave me great support .
6 It was er international company sommat like that Ching and er they asked me about it and I said I 'll see what I can do .
7 If the hon. Gentleman wishes to make a particular point about his locality , he should write to me about it and I shall ensure that account is taken of his views .
8 Yes erm I 'm not looking forward to doing the cos they 've told me about it and he used to get headaches and
9 erm so no certainly they asked me about it and so on but I think that rather like their food forum they might like to get a communications forum going erm because they 've been thinking about having a Business Club and various other things because they 're involved with the Management Programme and all sorts of things and they maybe going to do some training for heads and people like that
10 Anyway , I over it and er so he , he , he said , yes I will , I 'll send a piece on to you .
11 Ali Ross , a small feisty Scotsman , promises to get you off it and onto the steeper slopes beyond .
12 Thank you for it and best wishes for your futures .
13 be any point , huh , if they , cos the thing is if you go to all those lectures and then , because you 're allowed to go to an employer of what you wan na be , you see they talk to you about it and they , and then you go on the computers
14 ‘ I ca n't leave you with it and I ca n't deal with it .
15 Now I 'm going to help you with it and what I suggest we do this morning when I give you these sheets will you please write your name and today 's date at the top of the sheet and I put the date on the board , and then can you please resist the temptation to start , start writing over the rest of the sheet until I 've gone through it with you .
16 As soon as the stigma is revealed and exposed , you can not be sure that some keen and inquisitive insect wo n't beat you to it and carry in pollen from heaven knows where .
17 It was important to learn about , for example , bookselling from experienced booksellers who then , accepting the genuineness of my interest and the possible value of my research , were generous in helping me with it and allowing me to carry out surveys in bookshops .
18 When I got to the station they read the charge against me , charged me with it and I asked whether I was getting bail .
19 They should bring along a crane and pick the whole thing up with me in it and call it Frozen Communications and put it in some art gallery .
20 I 've done it for all kinds of things , I mean , I , I cook vegetables in them in it and I warm up
21 And then the next lot of lights sucks me to it and I just slide down the street .
22 McLeish left them to it and walked away to consider exactly where he was .
23 I left them to it and went up into my tree-house .
24 Eventually I left them to it and went off into the night , the bells keeping me company through the streets .
25 I left them to it and made my way along the inner side of the curving wall towards the doorway .
26 Darlington argues persuasively that Marx believed the process of evolution to be by direct Lamarkian and not by indirect Darwinian , or selective means : that is to say , that the environment in which individuals found themselves operated directly upon them to adjust them to it and that the adjustments were transmitted by them to the next generation ; and not that , fortuitous mutations having occurred in the genetic package , they would when favourable equip the mutant for greater success in the given environment than the unmutated form could achieve .
27 On a nod from Richie , Patrick left them to it and moved over to the first tee .
28 It was too much but she loved him for it and let him kiss her when he came and stood beside her again .
29 We always had to chase after him for it and he 'd never give her more than a pound a week .
30 The door was open and with the strength of ten I hurtled him through it and into the herb garden where he came to rest in a clump of sage .
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