Example sentences of "[pers pn] [prep] [verb] another " in BNC.

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1 If we can be of any assistance to you in finding another job , please do n't hesitate to shout .
2 Still , that discovery never stopped me from making another collection of the glistening best ones that same night .
3 The hospital staff would n't thank him for provoking another .
4 A named and photographed woman who had apparently beaten off The Fox by biting him was a major story in one Sunday newspaper : ‘ her courage saved her from becoming another of Fairley 's rape victims ’ .
5 ‘ I was born into the trap , he walked into it in avoiding another kind of servitude , with his eyes open , but not looking where he was going .
6 ‘ Nuclear Electric should keep the money for the purpose it is intended , not divert it to building another uneconomic , unsafe and unwanted power station , ’ he added .
7 I do not want to go on a dictionary-chasing exercise , laying down one word only to find that the marketing men have circumvented it by finding another word .
8 It has not inherited this behaviour ; it has either worked it out for itself , or learned it by observing another chimpanzee .
9 The waitress came round and blackmailed us into buying another cup of coffee .
10 The stored up sunshine and seasalt in our pores saved us from having another attack of the dreaded ‘ flu that winter , although we had also used very much potassium permanganate in our sinks and drains , as the health authorities asked .
11 In May , Mr and his group had the opportunity to vote with us in spending another two million pounds on the education system of this county , and now he is complaining only six months later , that we are n't spending enough , and I think we 've said before , the Conservatives have , and continue to have the opportunity for action , but they will not support their words with deeds .
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