Example sentences of "[pers pn] [be] an [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 So I am an orphan , and live with my maid . ’
2 " I am an idiot .
3 Then he fell silent , as if he was thinking of some way to turn this promise into a purpose , and he added , in the barest of trembled whispers , ‘ As I am an eagle of Wrath do I promise it .
4 I am an officer of the king , and the crown is involved .
5 His attitude ; I am an officer , cons do n't talk to me like that )
6 ‘ But you must remember that I am an industrialist and , really , factories are as interesting to me as museums , ha ! ha ! ’
7 I am an interpreter .
8 ‘ I hear that you are a canon 's daughter — and I am an archdeacon 's son , ’ said Rupert lightly , trying to make conversation .
9 The simplest and most fundamental aspect of cognisance ( fundamental philosophically and developmentally ) is what is usually referred to as ‘ self-world dualism ’ : the knowledge that there is a physical world out there of which I am an experiencer and that is distinct from me .
10 I AM an angel , ’ he sobbed out loud .
11 I am vulnerable to the inference here that my inquiry has vested interests ; that because I am an African-American and a writer I stand to benefit in ways not limited to intellectual fulfilment from this line of questioning .
12 TELEVISION presenter Keith Chegwin opened his heart in front of the cameras yesterday and admitted ‘ I am an alcoholic ’ .
13 I am an alcoholic , ’ said Lydia .
14 The 34-year-old Liverpool-born presenter , who had two four-week spells in a drying out clinic , said : ‘ I am an alcoholic .
15 ‘ But did you know I am an artist ?
16 I am an artist .
17 I am an artist on the verge of becoming professional and I am seriously considering investing in an airbrush kit .
18 His smile , as I recounted my terrifying encounter — I am an arachnophobe — implied that there were worse things in life than having a spider wandering over one 's hair .
19 I am an ex-pat living in the most unfriendly part of the most unfriendly state in the Union .
20 I am an American , this is my home , it does n't do me any good commercially to race in a formula the people back home do n't understand .
21 I am an internationalist not a supranationalist .
22 ‘ No , but I am an animal , ’ replied the bearded DJ , ‘ And I think you 'd have to agree that you are as well , in fact I 'm beginning to wonder what species you are . ’
23 I AM an ex-miner , having been forced into redundancy at the healthy age of 53 due to the policies of the Thatcher Government towards the British coal industry .
24 And you are right , I am an Empereur .
25 I am an Indian in every way .
26 I am an expert on being nervous while broadcasting .
27 I am addressing this meeting , not because I am an expert in the field of training European teachers to teach their mother tongue , but because the Language Teaching Centre ( LTC ) of the University of York is running a project to bring over qualified language teachers from Germany and France and retrain them to teach their mother tongue as a foreign language in British schools .
28 I am an expert on women 's hands .
29 I am an ex-employee of Sainsbury 's Westgate , Oxford , and I am organising a reunion for former employees .
30 ‘ Sir , I am an apothecary .
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