Example sentences of "[pers pn] [be] [not/n't] that " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It 'd be great to be there but I 'm not that fussed .
2 I 'm really not a great buyer — if I ca n't wear it and I ca n't eat it , then I 'm not that bothered .
3 I figure that I 'm not going to be offered any more roles as the 41-year-old middleaged neurotic entering a crisis , 'cos I 'm not that any more and I do n't want to play that any more .
4 I 'm not that brokenhearted and I 'm , no I 'm annoyed .
5 I 'd heard that American Music Club were something wonderful , but when I saw them at the Grand in Clapham recently , I was n't that impressed .
6 We went off to go see Husbands And Wives , because one of the actresses in that was going to be in the film , someone I was n't that keen on .
7 ‘ At Bulawayo we had 45,000 crowds for club games and I made my international debut at 14 , so I was n't that ‘ wowed ’ to arrive in England . ’
8 She 's not that I think she 'll know how upset she is .
9 Right , erm I 've actually got down that erm you assumed that his wife was n't a tax pay sorry , his wife was n't a tax payer and you assumed that she was n't working but you did actually pick back up on that later that she was n't that she was n't going back to work after having the children so erm tt that is now irrelevant but it was at the time that you were saying it , that you did n't actually pick it up .
10 We 're , we 're , I mean we 're not we 're not that bothered really .
11 When ( the HoD ) was writing the self-appraisal we were n't that involved to be honest .
12 The charge which the historian must bring against him is not that he was vicious but that he was timid , selfish and worst of all lazy .
13 If it were n't that a judge has to decide a case , quite a few of Edward 's legal opinions would probably end in a question mark . ’
14 Afterwards Jared Tunstall had said to her mama , ‘ It was a question of a little hustler meeting a big one , and if it were n't that he has hurt Sally-Anne so badly I could almost admire the swine for his gall .
15 He said on the old shillings I want Neil 's bed but it were n't that cos he 's bit of a fun to , you know , you know
16 The then Lord Chief Justice in 1980 commented that , If it were not that a high proportion of cases are compromised long before they reach court the administration of justice would soon grind to a halt ; the courts would be overwhelmed by the volume of work . ’
17 It 's not that I want to offend you or anything , I … ’
18 He frequents a seedy restaurant — ‘ You see this wretched tavern I spend all my time in , and I enjoy it , or rather it 's not that I really enjoy it , but one must have somewhere to perch ’ : this is the form which the Dostoevsky no-home takes with him , likewise the transpersonal motif first voiced by Marmeladov in this novel , that a man must have somewhere to go .
19 It 's not that he ceases altogether to be the eternal student , but that he becomes reshaped and misshaped into an aberration .
20 It 's not that Shatov is somehow proved right and Mrs Virginsky wrong about new life and ( by implication ) God , but that the most natural hope begins to stir in the merely legal father 's heart ; so it would be pompous and artificial to go on talking about futurity , this is the future in the mind 's eye of one rejoicing man : shared , beautiful , fragile ; and the whole novel seems braced to tear itself free of the devils possessing it :
21 It 's not that I do n't want to say anything but I just do n't know what to say , ’ John Ryan , the Welsh coach , sighed .
22 It 's not that Malcolm was a father-figure to us — as some have said — he was more like an elder brother who 'd actually been out there in the world and done it so he had the confidence and experience .
23 It 's not that he wants to stop them going to the toilet , we 've got to persuade these people to do it on a stagger basis …
24 It 's not that I do n't try — I do .
25 And often it 's not that they never had anywhere to live , it 's just that they could n't cope with the responsibilities and the isolation of living on their own .
26 ‘ To a farmer it 's an anathema not to produce on his land and therefore it 's not that he is not being responsible in meeting the challenges . ’
27 It 's not that she 's said , ‘ No , you must n't wear make-up ’ , but all my friends do , and sometimes I feel strange because I have n't got any .
28 It 's not that I want to be the ideal woman ; I 'd simply like to be able to walk down a street and not even think about it .
29 It 's not that I 'm particularly unhappy with the shape of my body or with my image , it 's just that I worry all the time about what people think about me , what impression they are getting .
30 It 's not that I am fearful of telling the truth , but the reader might be offended .
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