Example sentences of "[pers pn] [be] [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Well , I think that a few words from me are called for , as you say . ’
2 The advantages that skill and intelligence once gave me are nullified by shop bought electronics and an ’ Ever Ready ’ Power Pack .
3 The grass and reeds around me are flattened under the sudden , overnight fall of snow .
4 There 's a lot of them been closed since then .
5 By the same token , the public school choice would not be surprised to find that the Labour Party opposition regarded the official unemployment figures as underestimates The arguments that divided them are illustrated in Table 10–2 , which reproduces in a slightly amended form a table that appeared in The Sunday Times ( 6 November 1983 ) .
6 Objects are defined by their function , while actions and those who perform them are viewed as connected parts of a greater whole .
7 Often referred to as vegetable dyes , despite the fact that many of them are obtained from animal and mineral sources .
8 When immigrant children first enter the borough they are sent , if the education department has any doubts about their English , to an assessment centre , and from there a large proportion of them are channelled into reception classes .
9 And finally , the criminal injuries compensation scheme , to cut the amounts paid to people who are victims of gang rape , to cut the amount paid to people who are victims of child abuse , that shows just how much the Home Secretary cares about the victims of crime , and his other measures show that he 's far more concerned with his own career , with pleasing the Conservative party conference , and with trying to do anything , anything I mean he 's brought in whatever it is , twenty-seven proposals , one or two of them are bound to work , if you throw enough stuff at the fan , some of it usually hits the target .
10 They act as a powerful aphrodisiac on pigs , and synthesised versions of them are sprayed onto sows to make them receptive before artificial insemination .
11 Think of the many hours when the two of them are closeted in the den .
12 Incensed by such treatment , the hare scratched the Moon 's face with his claws and the two of them are disfigured to this day .
13 Some of them are explained in more detail on the following pages along with accounts of Tesco 's efforts to tackle a range of problems from toxic chemicals to energy conservation .
14 When the remainder of the known fortified sites are plotted on a map ( fig. 7.1 ) most of them are seen to be distributed along three routes :
15 We have moved away from such remedies as being too brutal for a humane society and nowadays those who advocate them are seen as blimpish relics of an imperialist , authoritarian society which favoured cold baths and weals on the buttocks as character forming .
16 Directors are treated as being in a position analogous to that of trustees , so powers conferred upon them are given to them in a fiduciary capacity .
17 More details of these charts and how to complete them are given in ILO ( 1979 ) .
18 Details of the availability of the datasets and the Pascal programs needed to make use of them are given in Miller and Reddy ( 1987 ) .
19 For example , in 1980 the British government consulted no fewer than 500 groups in drafting its legislation based upon the Finniston Report on Engineering , even though many of these groups had a negligible impact upon the government , sixteen of them are regarded by Richardson and Jordan as key' groups .
20 There may be 32m cars on the road in a country of 123m people — but , as yet , only 6% of them are fitted with compact-disc players .
21 Most of them are listed under the provisions of the Clean Air Act of 1990 , but restrictions imposed by the Act will not come into force until 1995 .
22 The shortage of Pentiums is so bad that those that have them are said to be ‘ tea-bagging ’ them — moving their precious chips from system to system to prove to customers that their box works , then quickly back into the safe .
23 Witnesses said armed soldiers kept up an overnight siege at Kinshasa 's People 's Palace conference centre because the notes used to pay them are said to be cursed and are almost impossible to spend .
24 These researches and others like them are based on innumerable hours of field study in remote places .
25 Her materials consist of marble dust , gypsum cement , resins and rhoplex , but the ways in which she works with them are based on a kind of body language , using gestures that are related to her subject matter .
26 So many of them are based on wordplay , puns . ’
27 Many of them are made by floating the freshly gathered blossoms on pure water and then allowing them to sit in the sunshine for a few hours .
28 The WISARD machine and logical neural nets have structure and function resembling multi-layer perceptrons , but the individual nodes in them are made from 1-bit direct access memories .
29 All of them are made in America , where this kind of stuff is more popular .
30 Erm Of the total of goods that are sold in industrialized countries , such as , that have been manufactured , only three percent of them are made in developing countries .
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