Example sentences of "[pers pn] [be] [noun] who " in BNC.

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1 ‘ All of them are groups who work together on specific tasks under a single section head or foreman .
2 Sandwiched between them are Gloucester who lost their 100 per cent record at Saracens , the London club holding them to a 12–12 draw .
3 well I mean you 're right in a way Bob those people who seem to get on within a company some of them are people who seem to be able to say the right words at the right time do n't they ?
4 I am Mrs who 's sort of the secretary and books , does the booking for the hall , he could n't get that , anyway it occurred to me afterwards it must of been the grandmother of that girl that bought the erm , cos he kept on talking a Michelle and that 's the girl that bought our suite and I reckon it 's her child 's birthday party , she said erm you know my , you know my son-in-law , I said do I ?
5 ‘ Some of you are emigres who , for one reason or another , have direct knowledge of KGB methods or operations in the USSR or abroad , but particularly in the United States .
6 He told them : " I thank you once again for what you have demonstrated : that you are people who can be counted on , especially in difficult moments . "
7 but this whole case is about management and service charges and you 're person who erm assess them for the purposes of the brochure , you say you do n't recall whether it 's the second or third addition ever seen by you ?
8 Do you think Elvis understood that you were people who needed to make a living on a day-to-day , month-to-month , year-to-year basis ?
9 We are democrats who believe in pluralism , in a modern state and human rights . ’
10 Mr Chamberlain 's services to the State are infinitely greater than any I have been able to render , but we are both men who are giving all we can give to the service of the State ; we are both men who are , or try to be , actuated by principle in our conduct ; we are men who , I think , have exactly the same views on the political problems of the day ; we are men who I believe — certainly on my side-have esteem and perhaps I may say affection for each other ; but the result of this dynamic force is that we stand here today , he prepared to go into the wilderness if he should be compelled to forsake the Prime Minister , and I prepared to go into the wilderness if I should be compelled to stay with him .
11 Mr Chamberlain 's services to the State are infinitely greater than any I have been able to render , but we are both men who are giving all we can give to the service of the State ; we are both men who are , or try to be , actuated by principle in our conduct ; we are men who , I think , have exactly the same views on the political problems of the day ; we are men who I believe — certainly on my side-have esteem and perhaps I may say affection for each other ; but the result of this dynamic force is that we stand here today , he prepared to go into the wilderness if he should be compelled to forsake the Prime Minister , and I prepared to go into the wilderness if I should be compelled to stay with him .
12 After all , as Pasternak said , we are people who meditate upon death and thereby create new life . ’
13 They think we are people who just put things in envelopes — there is a certain snobbery about it . ’
14 The truth is , we 're adversaries who have discovered that we want each other badly .
15 But for the moment we were friends who had to prepare Wavebreaker for a possible Atlantic crossing .
16 I saw now what I 'd known all the time , only I 'd hidden it craftily from myself because it did n't fit in with what I wanted to do , that Terry and I had no basis for a love-affair ; we were friends who happened to be attracted to each other physically , which was far from enough , and by thinking it was enough we 'd gone against the very nature of our relationship .
17 No , even before this coming to be er came to be we were there and we were men who were different and some of us were even gods and we were pure souls and intellects .
18 That they are solicitors who would have handled the situation differently from er the defendants .
19 They are writers who have parted company , but who are in some ways at one .
20 They are women who have learnt to defend themselves , who are directly affected by central and local government policies , price speculation and the economic situation of the country .
21 Of course , many workers in adult education are also feminists — they may be the anti-sexist male variety — but on the whole they are women who want adult education to respond to the concerns of the women 's movement .
22 They are siblings who feel they have to disagree violently with mother to demonstrate their own independence .
23 They are dervishes who call upon the name of God .
24 They are beings who live in plants , trees , and flowers .
25 I mean , erm , I know my youth officer in my area takes them as individuals where the , they are youngsters who perhaps would benefit from that .
26 ‘ All three of these witnesses are , it is fair to say without intending any disrespect to them , not educated persons in the sense that they are persons who would have had any experience of judging mental ability .
27 ‘ They have been treated , therefore , as persons in a different situation from mere contractors for then they would have been exempt , but in truth they are purchasers who have acquired an interest not in a mere chattel , but in a subject of a permanent nature … ’
28 They are men who rationally weigh up the advantage of conformity to criminal demands or staying on the path of righteousness ; for the most part they choose the former simply because it does not weigh on their conscience and because it seems more likely to secure economic and career advancement within the corporation .
29 They are men who will have committed an offence within the confines of their family and community .
30 They are people who never do anything , who never go sailing or climb mountains . ’
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