Example sentences of "[pers pn] [conj] being [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Every change he has advocated has always struck him as being of instant urgency .
2 God is spirit and then when Christ came , when he was born , people had difficulty , great difficulty in accepting him as being of God .
3 What must have distinguished him as being beyond normal was his unconventionally high state of consciousness .
4 Kerry Downes , in his book English Baroque Architecture , calls this ‘ an elevation of great distinction ’ , while Pevsner refers to it as being of ‘ an elegant design and by an unknown architect , .
5 Pliny described it as being of use , if scattered in a pool , for curing unhealthy fish ; it was said to have been grown in the Emperor Charlemagne 's herb garden ; Ion the Gardener who wrote the first book about gardening in Britain included it as his favourite herb , and it was mentioned in Langland 's famous poem Piers Plowman .
6 Historic Scotland listed it as being of international importance , but the National Heritage Memorial Fund decided not to support plans to preserve it .
7 The invoice for the painting described it as being by Munter , but was later discovered to be a forgery .
8 In both cases the answer is that we will conform when we see it as being in our interests to do so .
9 Now as someone who 's taught at other institutions — I 've taught at the University of Kent and at Middlesex Polytechnic — I think I was aware of the level of harassment which erm was there in those institutions , there certainly was sexual harassment , it certainly was a problem , but I have to say it did n't seem to me to be the problem that the students have identified it as being in Oxford and I think that 's striking and it 's something that erm as tutors and as a university we really do have to think about .
10 Jack said he would and twenty-three years later , in May 1990 , Roger Corman named it as being among the best pictures he had made , and by then the total had exceeded 200 .
11 But resemblance can not explain how a thinker could experience one object as standing for another ; for how could the fact that a particular datum is similar to other things mean anything to a thinker unless he experienced it as being like many others — that is , unless he grasped it , not just as a particular but as an instance of a kind ?
12 Altogether he struck me as being in better spirits than usual ; and I learnt later , though not from him and I can not vouch for its veracity , that he had had himself psychoanalysed .
13 In meditation it is therefore wise for us to record all our images and visions and remember them as being of supreme value to ourselves .
14 Guide books and handbooks for travellers often dismissed them as being of little interest .
15 So individualism must regard them as being in some way free from the determining influence of society , and it is this which makes the properties of individuals into a suitable stopping point for explanations .
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