Example sentences of "[pers pn] [conj] i [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 Somehow this is an awareness he 's built into me or I would n't be able to spot it where nobody else can .
2 ‘ I know it sounds absurd , but please do it for me or I might go out of my mind again , and really smash the living daylights out of him ! ’
3 Have I got my glasses with me or I ca n't see the prices .
4 Hope I 've got my glasses with me or I ca n't see the prices .
5 You tell me or I 'll beat it out of you ! ’
6 ‘ Tell me or I 'll kill you ! ’
7 ‘ Tell me or I 'll blow your fucking head off . ’
8 Play straight with me or I 'll destroy you .
9 You will obey me or I will take you to the Marshalsea Prison , and there you can sit and listen to what I say . ’
10 Glass guiding me where I must be going .
11 Yeah , I wish now I did n't think , I that I 'd ask , he was busy and
12 ‘ But did it not occur to that massive conceit of yours that I might not want to make love to you ? ’
13 Chairman , if I if I may say that the erm the er minutes of that committee were approved by sub-committee at their subsequent meeting on the twenty fourth of November erm
14 No one would be more grateful than I if I could stop looking at every penny , but you wo n't catch Amsterdam so you might as well stop trying .
15 If I if I if I could just er er er just move on on to a couple of other other other points i in in what 's been said .
16 Can I I if I can get any tapes to you this week I shall .
17 So Just just so we 're absolutely certain then , sorry if I if I can just take you back to the the l the areas spelt out in paragraph one one .
18 I if I can ask you to home in on that five thousand pound figure , once you reach five thousand pound on any assignment you get another fifteen percent bonus .
19 I 'll 'ave one o ’ them when I go to work and do n't forget to ask 'er if I can come again .
20 Self-select P E Ps are a little bit different , is that when you , you the managers give you a choice of shares and it 's rather like pulling the handle on the one-armed bandit , you say right , I 'll start with er er I C I and I 'll back that up with B A T , and , and you leave them in for as long as you want , and you pay a charge when you move the shares , so you can actually control the P E P .
21 I and I ca n't mind forgotten .
22 And I and I would also say that if if
23 I and I could n't believe it I actually did it right .
24 I suspect now that you know I mean I they might still to move given to one or two of my family members , but basically I could more openly say you know that in fact I suppose my view in Britain but not in Australia but my view in Britain is okay , the Royal Family could continue to exist they must A pay taxes B I do n't genuflect to any of them and C we 've got ta put them in perspective they 're in which is they 're a tourist attraction erm you know but I and I can make those comments which would be met by a lot of Britons with hostility , people who would totally disagree with me and say well they are the Royals and you know bow , bow , bow , but others would agree with me and that is something that has changed over the last three decades it really has , it 's changed during , during my absence in Australia , it is something you know that I came back to and I mean I kept , I 've been back about three or four weeks and there 's a pro I mean there 's some delightful radio programmes here comedy , political comedy shows and there was one show I listened to and I had been back a couple of weeks and it was about erm the Queen had a P R issue and she had to sort of do something about it , so she decided they 'd have a public execution of Edward and they described Edward was a cream puff and they the Queen and and er Andrew and everybody else was on the balcony at er Buck House and the crowds are cheering and the rolled and the the execution .
25 You ca n't away with er some bum figures like this one , it 's not good enough for the members to give , be given wrong information and I and I can tell you this we 'll be coming back again and then we would know and where they were getting where they were getting the seventeen homes
26 I cos I ca n't picture another stone you know on any other roadsides and I 've been on plenty that and I travel and no and I can never know of another st stone that was put up to a tramp .
27 Yeah but I , but I cos I can see the arguments but then I mean I 'm just not , I 'm not entirely sure whether i i it could n't work , that it could n't work being a middle peasant economy and that these erm these inequalities would er sort of
28 Oh yeah , you do yours and I 'll do yours , see ?
29 It 's all yours and I 'll interrupt , I 'm
30 The villa 's booked , the flights are booked — Charles can cancel his and I 'll transfer mine over to your name … ’
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