Example sentences of "[pers pn] [modal v] [adv] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 but for some reason some of them may well lie within the
2 We know that many of them may well have undergone long and arduous journeys , having travelled many miles across many frontiers and indeed possibly even across many continents just in order to be with us here tonight .
3 Some of them may well have been to boys ' boarding schools and put up with this sort of behaviour
4 The routines suggested are guidelines : some of them may not apply to you in your current work .
5 It is possible for an aircraft to have several different modes of spinning , and all of them may not have been discovered during the testing .
6 Forty eight and and presumably many of the people who are perhaps seventy drawing pensions , they may not have even paid in thirty years themselves , I mean they may be many of them may not have been around for that period of time .
7 One or both of them may not wish to cope with parenting a second time round , having not long been released from the exhaustion and limitations of childcare on their own account .
8 In particular we discuss two aspects of the interpretation of definite pronouns , which we call role mapping and name mapping , and suggest that either one of them may not occur in the interpretation of any particular sentence .
9 The status of the pupils in the activity can be raised and the value of their contributions recognised by suggesting that some of them may already possess considerable information and experience ( pp. 36–38 ) .
10 There may be yet more complicated objects than us on other planets , and some of them may already know about us .
11 All of them add to the quality of life of the residents , and many of them may also help you enjoy your work too .
12 Some of them may also have a anti-radiation coating , or an anti-static lead .
13 Some of them may also have a anti-radiation coating , or an anti-static lead .
14 Now say that the applications are completely processor-independent too — that you do n't even have to re-compile them to move them from one machine type to another , and indeed bits of them may even wander from processor type to processor type in the course of execution .
15 Now say that the applications are completely processor-independent too — that you do n't even have to re-compile them to move them from one machine type to another , and indeed bits of them may even wander from processor type to processor type in the course of execution .
16 Female cats are such powerful breeding machines that some of them may even come into heat while they are pregnant .
17 Members of the Soviet government ( the Council of Ministers ) were essentially administrative heads of ministries , but at the same time they were party members , and a few of them may even have been members of the Politburo .
18 Not all the decisions in a given period can be carried out , since many of them may erroneously anticipate and depend upon other decisions which are in fact not being made .
19 Even if the technological aspects are fully understood , the application of the law to them may still perplex .
20 Doctors are themselves not immune from the disease of alcoholism and some of them may therefore give inappropriate reassurance to patients .
21 What pleases me may not please you , and my recommendation may disappoint you — and then what would you think ?
22 ‘ I know what you 'd like to do — and it may surprise you , Kit , if I admit that part of me may even want to myself .
23 There are also two paths , d and e , in figure 13.7 which represent the other unspecified causes ; all variables in a model which have causal paths leading to them must also have arrows reminding us of the proportion unpredicted by the model .
24 As a consequence the dinosaurs that preyed on them must also have grown bigger .
25 At the front of Laura 's mind constantly was the realization that these shops bore her name and everything in them must therefore reflect what she stood for .
26 But all of them must now align against the beast …
27 The choice between them should thus rest entirely on simplicity of key — the piece as a whole with all its modulations and sectional key-changes being taken into consideration .
28 Material sent to them should not exceed 100 words .
29 This feature occurs because rational expectations generally implies restrictions on the coefficients of the model , and if the restrictions are valid then imposing them should not worsen the model 's explanatory power .
30 There was a long silence before Ipuky continued , ‘ What is said about me should not concern you .
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