Example sentences of "[pers pn] [modal v] [verb] seen " in BNC.

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1 Either of them may have seen the killer .
2 I may have seen many Garter Snakes on sale which I took to be pattern variations on the species most commonly available .
3 ‘ As a matter of fact , I think I may have seen it . ’
4 Films like dreams come and go and are soon forgotten , yet King Kong , which I must have seen in 1933 , or early 1934 , with its scenes of adventure in a fabled land , was the one to overwhelm my mind and stay with me to the present day .
5 I must have seen De Mille 's Cleopatra a dozen times .
6 It was dark , by then , but they have them new electric lights there , so I must have seen him .
7 I suppose I must have seen Christine Baldwin at Larksoken , probably in the canteen .
8 By definition I must have seen it with someone else , but the fact that , at the time , our own coupledom was predicted only by Nostradamus was irrelevant .
9 But when her letter said how tasty these little organic chaps can be when placed close to carrots , peas and gravy , I should have seen that she was open to contradictions .
10 For it was not pure ocular seeing , or I should have seen her as a girl of the age which I have now reached .
11 A great chance lost , for had I kept as careful a lookout in front as I had behind I should have seen her before she saw me .
12 With hindsight , I know I should have seen the warning signals in the man himself , which I missed through inexperience , but the result was that a cloud of depression , a sense of failure , settled over me , and also over the whole team .
13 If you had asked me to describe one of the Whistler 's victims that 's exactly how I should have seen her .
14 In fact , a rule of life which I should have seen in its perfect clarity , was already operating .
15 I should have seen it before .
16 As I approached it I reached out my talons to land and perhaps the prey I was holding obscured the view for I should have seen sooner what had been put on top of the post by Men .
17 A foolish heart ( mine ) betrayed me , blinding me to what I should have seen .
18 I should have seen you afore now .
19 After the night Quigley had kicked my head in , I had finally seen something I should have seen a long time ago .
20 But now I have , and I see what I should have seen a long time ago , the selfish , arrogant , unscrupulous fixer who has been quietly feathering his nest in London for the past ten years at our expense after turning his back on us as though we were n't good enough for him , who could n't even be bothered to come home during this ordeal but just flew over on a weekend return when the mood took him , when he had nothing better to do , like the tourist he is !
21 I should have seen it coming .
22 Anything I might have seen ? ’
23 ‘ You could at least try to help by giving me a clue as to what sort of thing I might have seen , ’ she grumbled .
24 So I might have seen yours
25 Once I could have seen them off by asserting that I had no interest in such things , preferring to live from one day to the next , unfettered by possessions and responsibilities .
26 If I could have seen a respectable way to dismiss this appeal I should have been happy to do so .
27 I have been here over a week now , and I miss you very much , and I miss the fresh air and the fresh faces of all those people I so hated on the Tube and the fresh things that happened every hour of every day if only I could have seen them — their freshness , I mean .
28 He said : ‘ I could have seen him this morning before your lot arrived but I funked it . ’
29 ‘ I just wish I could have seen his face clearly for one last time . ’
30 No , but I could have seen a , there 'd be an almighty tantrums from the other two if Ji er
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