Example sentences of "[pers pn] [conj] [adv] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 If anyone out there is considering rescuing one of those lovely animals and would like to talk to me or even come and see our dogs at home , I would be delighted to oblige .
2 Is it supposed to intimidate me or merely impress ? ’
3 Should I go ahead and stab them or just scare them ?
4 The volunteer may help the young person with job applications or other form-filling , go to a football match or the cinema with them or just meet up for a chat .
5 In Botswana , government has consistently decided to live with the mining companies , rather than nationalize them or even seek to control them .
6 I suppose you do know that not everyone can see ghosts or hear them or even feel them .
7 Drawing on the experience of her own broken home , Diana has not been afraid to hug her sons in public , dry their tears , share a childish joke with them or simply take them to McDonald 's .
8 The people who decide whether to believe them or not have been able to check their own stocks quickly , to make sure no bombs or material are missing .
9 After all , bright children usually expect to succeed , hence success and praise do not surprise them or necessarily raise them to new levels of performance .
10 So if we can hurt them or certainly gang together if you like , cos unity is strength , and between the three workforces they 'll certainly slow down production and hopefully force things .
11 ‘ She loved the way you could stride on to any stage with that easy cat-like walk of yours and instantly dominate the place .
12 He ought to take a riding-whip to that wife of his and then bed her over and over again until she 's with child . "
13 It brought home to me that even tinpot local councillors will ruthlessly exploit irrational prejudice if there is political mileage in it .
14 And I actually found that it was , it was better to actually talk to them than just send them
15 Cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of thy Holy Spirit , that we may perfectly love thee and worthily magnify thy holy name ; through Jesus Christ our Lord .
16 Me and just sit there copying them .
17 So you do n't have to touch it , you just have to talk to me and just leave it sitting there .
18 Happy are they who never saw me and yet have found faith . ’
19 ‘ Oh , yes , I knew you did n't trust me and probably do n't now .
20 Must remember to spoon up my soup away from me and not slurp it all down my chin .
21 You said jump up by me and not sit , like .
22 Do you imagine I could bear to live with these glorious examples before me and not strive to emulate them , not strain every sinew to make Bewick still a name — ’
23 I would recite some of the lines Grandad had taught me and sometimes sing songs like ‘ Who Will Buy My Pretty Flowers ’ .
24 Forests have a profound effect on me and often give me feelings of beauty .
25 ‘ Yes , but perhaps he thought I might meet some wealthy man who would instantly fall in love with me and so relieve him of some of the responsibility , ’ she retorted , too angry to even think what she was saying , and then gave a derisive smile when she saw that he was half tempted to believe it .
26 get some shopping done , then have afternoon tea , baby and me and then come back for Grant .
27 ‘ How dare you dump me like that , abandon me and then make off — with all my things too , with my money on board ? ’
28 Phone me and then get it all given to them just like that .
29 ‘ She would often come and have an afternoon cup of tea with me and then pick my brain as to what BA had asked me to do that morning .
30 Then you could get a , a piece of wood very , very rough , understand me and then cast and then you could get the cast in down to exaction , you follow what I mean and then er you could what you want .
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