Example sentences of "[pers pn] [adv] have come " in BNC.

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1 I just had to come earlier . ’
2 When I read about you in the papers , and then heard you 'd been found , I just had to come .
3 Erm I still have to come back in some ways Patrick to er this this no car situation .
4 I usually have to come in seven o'clock , that 's how I did it and now I 've been over here sort of mucks the whole system so I 've got a driving lesson tomorrow night , I ca n't cancel that
5 Before we had we bought a house and so I really had to come back to work because we needed my wages and erm the creche was just being brought out so I knew there was a chance of coming back .
6 The psychiatrist 's theory was that I simply had to come to realise that becoming a ‘ complete man ’ ( which presumably included being heterosexual ) would not involve any risk to life or , more importantly , limb , that I was a ‘ complete man ’ .
7 ‘ Oh , Father told me you 'd opened the new girls ’ school , so I simply had to come to meet the new schoolteacher .
8 Well I think you two ladies are very fortunate , and you obviously have come from homes that have encouraged you very much , and have come from schools that have encouraged you very much .
9 She just had to come up with something .
10 For example , if you are catching the ball in front of the body , then you have the freedom to throw the ball in any direction but if you catch the ball behind the body , you still have to come back to the position to the front of the body and to do this takes more time .
11 He explained that every biscuit has to have a different flavour and must be new or improved , as Americans have a short attention span : ‘ The food here is a bit like the film industry ; you always have to come up with something else . ’
12 They had made an exception , but she still had to come in and read it .
13 ‘ I 'm afraid you really have come to the wrong man .
14 Hashmat Ara Begum , a community worker in the Borough of Camden told me that she too had come across the most contemptuous attitudes among Health Visitors .
15 ‘ At times , we lost faith in our fellow man , and we just had to come here .
16 Though the space was suddenly there for us , we still had to come forward and claim it .
17 But it 's just a foul old tip , Ruth thought ; why do we still have to come here ?
18 Jim said : ‘ We had to tackle the traditionally bad image of train catering and we really have come a tremendous way as far as quality is concerned .
19 Faced with these challenges we almost had to come up with something that broke with the past .
20 It might have been said that since one representative was absent they could not do anything about it , but the fact of the matter is they plainly had come to their decision the day before .
21 They then have to come to an appointment and be interviewed .
22 With my feet frozen to the floor , I followed the red lights in the sky until they both disappeared and the two loud bangs which followed signified that they too had come down heavily somewhere .
23 They too have come to accept temporary working and , by showing concern for their conditions of employment , are making temporary workers one of the main targets of their recruitment drives .
24 They actually have to come and meet the person fact to face .
25 It only has to come out wrong once for you to know that the hypothesis is wrong .
26 The point was that it basically has to come from yourself and if you feel funny about yourself , then maybe you should go to the root of what 's making you feel funny as opposed to just taking downers and then taking uppers .
27 Phil 's gon na basically , when we 've all had as you would know with all the other girls , then erm he basically has to come and sin erm , we repent to him , basically !
28 It became , ‘ how can it possibly have come about in so short a period of time that so many women have become involved in politics ? ’
29 Barton was the only one of the three to make it as far as the quarters , but he still had to come through another two heats to overhaul Hardman 's tally of points .
30 He too had come to the end of his small talk .
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