Example sentences of "[pers pn] [adv] [subord] a " in BNC.

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1 Such nurses need to benefit from an individual appraisal and assessment of their experience and skills so that re-entry becomes a natural progression for them rather than a hurdle to be jumped .
2 Well there 'd be a squad of riveters would go in and put them in before a tank was tested .
3 They live in perpetual hope of persuading some head of chambers to take them in when a vacancy occurs ; meanwhile , to confer with a client they can only occupy someone else 's desk , by his good grace , when he is not using it .
4 It cost me less than a tenner and for swingtipping and springtipping it was brilliant .
5 Military and political commanders would normally decide to use them only when a war in Europe was in full swing .
6 But police say the IRA message gave them less than an hour to respond .
7 Their consummate skill in limiting demands for independence on the royal demesne , while favouring them elsewhere where a royal confirmation might create allies , has often been remarked .
8 Interesting high-profile autobiographies that drop names like confetti : in Well , I Forget The Rest ( Hutchinson , £17.99 ) , Quentin Crewe , thrice-married , confesses : ‘ It has never taken me longer than a week-end to fall in love , usually less . ’
9 Margaret Thatcher once pleaded that it would be the ‘ cruellest thing ’ for her colleagues to unseat her after she had obtained for them more than a decade in power .
10 Anyone with a slightly cynical bent would have initial difficulty being convinced by the Inspirals ' contentment with their shrunken market — as someone who last saw the Inspirals dwarfed by a wealth of pyrotechnics and gargantuan lighting at Reading , your correspondent can only assert the view that their new scaled-down persona does them more than a few favours .
11 I have lived among them more than a third of my life , and still I do not understand them .
12 Having said that , the £1.6 billion reduces to £0.7 billion once the time-value of money is taken into consideration , and this will be reduced yet again once the Government accepts proposals for Deferred Safestore which we submitted to them more than a year ago .
13 It took them more than an hour to control .
14 But that ‘ phone call was going to cost me more than a Big Mac .
15 His self-pitying speech reveals his worthlessness : ( " I may say " " Alas , woe is me " " : I love you more than my life , you hate me more than a goat hates the knife . " )
16 And I Queensbank and he would n't even give me more than a fiver !
17 It took me more than an hour to give out the medicines . ’
18 I just have to wait for his letter , but I think the sensible thing to do would be to talk to you about what he 's putting you on because a lot of these drugs are not without potential side effects .
19 Remember that a complementary practitioner will be treating you rather than a single symptom .
20 How would you know if it was an internal call for you rather than an external .
21 If only one of those people is wondering what to do on a Friday night , thumbs through the listings , spots your band 's name , and thinks ‘ I 've heard of that band , they must be worth seeing ’ , that sticker , which cost you less than a penny , has been very cost effective .
22 Do n't tell me that little toy cost you less than a hundred and twenty , Cullam . ’
23 Incredible as it sounds a weekend package with Cresta can cost you less than a flight to Paris in the normal way .
24 You better than a sleepin' pill . ’
25 That will be to you better than a light and safer than a known way ’ .
26 Details of the scale of commission payable in respect of this contract will be sent to you shortly after a firm application is made on your behalf .
27 Details of the scale of commission payable in respect of this contract will be sent to you shortly after a firm application is made on your behalf .
28 They need not cost you more than a meal out and a trip to the theatre , yet they will provide many more hours of pleasure .
29 The wrong policy could cost you more than a pocketful of dreams .
30 J. B. Priestley recognised this in the extract chosen by Mr Hamilton from The Good Companions : ‘ … it [ Bruddersford United AFC ] offered you more than a shilling's-worth of material for talk during the rest of the week , a man who had missed the last home match of t'United had to enter social life on tiptoe in Bruddersford . ’
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