Example sentences of "[pers pn] [adv] [adv] three " in BNC.

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1 Oh shut up what are you on about three words per line ?
2 Then the foot-army from Forth should be here to help you in about three hours from now .
3 ‘ She visited you here about three months ago .
4 There who are they on about three four three four three four to call it 's er a very public figure very public you 're bound to have heard of him you 've probably seen him as well I would have thought I would have thought so as some stage picture always in the paper there as well you know nice big swanky car too .
5 On his way to his tent , he fell in with a captain who told him gloomily that three men had individually been sent in to find and blow up the magazine , and all had presumably died .
6 The only times she talked openly about her hopes and disappointments was when she was drunk — a state Dexter had seen her in only three times , all at parties and all after the separation from her husband .
7 I told him I had planned to take him to lunch but he said he could n't wait as he had some business to attend to , but he 'd be in a pub called the Banker if I could pick him up about three .
8 I give her well over three hundred pounds
9 THE 120,000-strong GDR army , alone among the Warsaw Pact armies , is under the direct operational control of the Soviet forces stationed alongside them , who outnumber them by about three to one .
10 I have done it on about three occasions in a third of a century .
11 Aside from using it twice in relation to Abdulkerim , he uses it on only three other occasions , at least in his articles concerned with the Muftis under consideration : first , in the general statement which forms the basis for his rejection of the Muftilik of Molla Yegan to the effect that all the ulema are empowered to give fetvas ; second , in connection with Molla Yegan himself ; and third , twice in regard to Molla Shaykh " Abd al-Karim al-Kadiri ( Seyh Abdulkerim ) , who seems to have held an ad hominem muftilik , not connected with the Muftilik of Istanbul , in the time of Suleyman .
12 And James grew out of it in about three months !
13 It 's a pity you did n't think about it more carefully three years ago — or maybe it 's just as well , ’ he mocked .
14 And he said and he brought it up about three years later .
15 Er yeah I took it out about three years after the , the mortgage one .
16 IS IT REALLY ONLY three years since the infamous incident when drunken revellers used champagne to flush a broken nightclub toilet ?
17 I tried to , er , I told I got criticised for slowing down too much , going into a corner on my dr driving test , I told Brown which corner it was , he took me round there three or four times to s today on my lesson , yeah , we 'll keep doing it till you get it right .
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