Example sentences of "[pers pn] [adv] [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 As they become more independent , she can , by the provision of suitable equipment and conversation , lead them on to explore many mathematical ideas while their physical skills are developing .
2 But Mr. Munby so treated them because , in his submission , section 8 conferred complete autonomy on such minors , thus enabling them effectively to refuse medical treatment irrespective of how parental responsibilities might be sought to be exercised .
3 With them eventually came dashing British sports , like steeple chasing , cricket , golf and fox-hunting , the last of which had runs in the nearby countryside called ‘ Old England ’ , ‘ Leicestershire ’ and , best of all , as a concession to the French , ‘ Have Leicestershire ’ .
4 Again it is important for children to experience these ideas practically in a variety of ways to enable them eventually to achieve full understanding .
5 As for the class of goods , where commercial goods are concerned the party acquiring them presumably has some expertise in relation to them which gives him the capability to assess their quality or to understand if he needs to call in an expert assessor , so that less protection should be required in this case .
6 I do n't know mate , o I only know that that 's take us Ann and Paul and Ann and John and all them all doing all the others so
7 Somebody said the players now have a bit to prove against Manchester United but some of them better do that in training on Monday . ’
8 He said Apscore was one of the first companies to port its products to the Pick look-alike databases UniVerse and UniData , and now the Sun agreement will let them better support these products on Sun hardware .
9 I thought that progressives , political progressives in this country were prepared to stand by public services and believe in them sufficiently to say this will cost you and we are prepared to put the bill to you because we believe you will pay the bill .
10 It is possible to allow the child to move the existing words about the screen by means of a light pen , cursor control or joystick , but requiring him or her to type them in encourages correct spelling and concentration .
11 And you have to get some of them in to make good scores .
12 The air between them suddenly seemed static , as she fought for the words to justify her decision .
13 ‘ So one of them suddenly got rich , hey ?
14 And Karen last weekend , after you were sitting for them suddenly took ill on the Saturday I think , and Sheila was n't in any great shape , so he went back home er , from the office an over his lunch hour to see if he could just go and lend a hand , ge generally help out over his lunch hour .
15 Fortunately during the first few months of our marriage Bernard , how shall I put it , practised asceticism — I had no chance of getting pregnant , or very little , and after that he was converted to Marxism , and though we were at it all the time for years , he stood over me daily to make sure I ingested a contraceptive chemical .
16 What we have is them merely following awful Bunnymen in playing the ridiculous Albert Hall .
17 Now that I 'm feeling a bit calmer , I can see that it was amazingly presumptuous of me even to imagine that Madeleine might love me enough to sacrifice all the luxuries she 's used to , just to be with me !
18 Look mom , the pick of satellite films mom , I mean three of them only get two stars .
19 Although horses do have many emotions , the belief in them only having two is also frequently demonstrated by conventional horse photography and in the show ring .
20 The 1982 and 1984 BCS between them only uncovered two cases of attempted rape and 17 and 18 sexual assaults respectively ( Jones et al .
21 Well the City in fact has twenty one Community Centres , most of which have bars , some of them only have small bars that open maybe once a week , others have very large bars , and especially the ones with the larger bars I think are willing to take on such a project .
22 Finally I managed to get out of the harness and , luckily for me , the parachute that was dragging me along got tangled in a camel thorn bush .
23 Allen 's colleague Jeremy Bailey has produced a computer program that colour-codes the view at each wavelength and then adds them together to produce these multicolour views .
24 In their later years they joined forces , and there is a photograph showing them together excavating one of the ‘ Danes ’ graves ' in 1898 .
25 Heads and governors should tackle them together to determine sensible procedures within the framework of LEA policies .
26 and used steel cans and that it was costing them less to use that than it was to use
27 When he walked in I thought , You can take me dirty dancing any day of the week .
28 ‘ Why did you bring me down to watch that ? ’ he said gruffly .
29 I tried to keep my eyes off his muscular thighs in their tight blue jeans , but as we bent over the café table it was easy to cast occasional surreptitious glances at his powerfully outlined sexual equipment under the much-rubbed fly , which seemed to be almost bursting at the seams .
30 It has been made plain that Government policy on aid will be increasingly conditioned by the performance of recipient governments in terms of human rights and observance of democratic practices , and I wholly welcome that .
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